Francisco Jose Martinez Lopez
Francisco Jose Martinez Lopez
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Cited by
Understanding e-learning continuance intention: An extension of the Technology Acceptance Model
JC Roca, CM Chiu, FJ Martínez
International Journal of human-computer studies 64 (8), 683-696, 2006
Online shopping, the standard learning hierarchy, and consumers' internet expertise: An American‐Spanish comparison
FJ Martínez‐López, P Luna, F José Martínez
Internet research 15 (3), 312-334, 2005
Los delphi como fundamento metodológico predicitvo para la investigación en sistemas de información y tecnologías de la información (IS/IT)
PL Huertas, AI Moro, FJM López
Pixel-Bit. Revista de Medios y Educación, 89-112, 2005
Handbook of Research on Synthetic Emotions and Sociable Robotics: New Applications in Affective Computing and Artificial Intelligence: New Applications in Affective Computing …
D Casacuberta
IGI Global, 2009
Complications and late outcome in transperitoneal laparoscopic heminephrectomy for duplex kidney in children
D Cabezali, P Maruszewski, F López, A Aransay, A Gomez
Journal of Endourology 27 (2), 133-138, 2013
Motivations for consumption behaviours on the web: a conceptual model based on a holistic approach
FJ Martinez-Lopez, P Luna-Huertas, FJ Martinez
International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing 1 (1), 3-20, 2006
Teleworking in the information sector in Spain
JCR Pulido, FJM López
International journal of information management 25 (3), 229-239, 2005
The meaning of rental second homes and places: the owners’ perspectives
JA Dias, A Correia, FJM López
Tourism Geographies 17 (2), 244-261, 2015
Barriers for the implementation of knowledge management in employee portals
HMP Feijoo, MG Ordaz, FJM Lopez
Procedia Computer Science 64, 506-513, 2015
Fuzzy association rules for estimating consumer behaviour models and their application to explaining trust in internet shopping
J Casillas, F Martinez-Lopez, F Martinez
Fuzzy Economic Review 9 (2), 3-26, 2004
Generación de empresas derivadas de base tecnológica (spin offs), a partir de los resultados de I+ D+ i de los grupos de investigación de la Universidad del Cauca, Colombia
AJ Castrillón-Muñoz, A Infante-Moro, A Zúñiga-Collazos, ...
Información tecnológica 31 (1), 67-78, 2020
Internet para investigadores: relación y localización de recursos en la red para investigadores y universitarios
FJ Martínez López
(No Title), 1997
Key factors in the implementation of e-proctoring in the Spanish University System
A Infante-Moro, JC Infante-Moro, J Gallardo-Pérez, FJ Martínez-López
Sustainability 14 (13), 8112, 2022
Las competencias digitales en las grandes empresas del sector empresarial español
AI Moro, JCI Moro, FJM López, MG Ordaz
Tec empresarial 10 (2), ág. 41-49, 2016
Violencia de género y adicción a drogas en Centros de Día
PJ Amor, P Corral, IA Bohórquez, JC Oria, M Rodríguez, F López, ...
Sevilla, España: Junta de Andalucía. Recuperado de http://www …, 2010
Los MOOC como sistema de aprendizaje en la Universidad de Huelva (UHU)
A Infante-Moro, JC Infante-Moro, JC Torres-Díaz, FJ Martínez-López
IJERI: International Journal of Educational Research and Innovation, 163-174, 2017
Digital transformation and local government response to the COVID-19 pandemic: An assessment of its impact on the sustainable development goals
PR Palos-Sánchez, P Baena-Luna, M García-Ordaz, FJ Martínez-López
Sage Open 13 (2), 21582440231167343, 2023
University spin-off: A literature review for their application in Colombia
AJC Muñoz, AI Moro, AZ Collazos, FJM López
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism 10 (1), 73-86, 2019
Key Criteria in the Choice of IoT Platforms in Spanish Companies
A Infante-Moro, JC Infante-Moro, J Gallardo-Pérez, FJ Martínez-López
Applied Sciences 11 (21), 10456, 2021
From information-sharing to vacation rental choices–the case of Albufeira, Portugal
JA Dias, A Correia, FJM López
International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research 8 (1), 35-47, 2014
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Articles 1–20