Ywee Chieh Tay
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Cited by
Next-generation freshwater bioassessment: eDNA metabarcoding with a conserved metazoan primer reveals species-rich and reservoir-specific communities
NKM Lim, YC Tay, A Srivathsan, JWT Tan, JTB Kwik, B Baloğlu, R Meier, ...
Royal Society open science 3 (11), 160635, 2016
‘Direct PCR’optimization yields a rapid, cost‐effective, nondestructive and efficient method for obtaining DNA barcodes without DNA extraction
WH Wong, YC Tay, J Puniamoorthy, M Balke, PS Cranston, R Meier
Molecular Ecology Resources 14 (6), 1271-1280, 2014
Simulating the transport of broadcast coral larvae among the Southern Islands of Singapore
YC Tay, PA Todd, PS Rosshaug, LM Chou
Aquatic Biology 15 (3), 283-297, 2012
New evidence shows that Pocillopora ‘Pocilloporadamicornis-like’corals in Singapore are actually Pocillopora acuta (Scleractinia: Pocilloporidae)
RC Poquita-Du, CSL Ng, JB Loo, L Afiq-Rosli, YC Tay, PA Todd, LM Chou, ...
Biodiversity data journal, 2017
Vertical distribution and settlement competencies in broadcast spawning coral larvae: Implications for dispersal models
YC Tay, JR Guest, LM Chou, PA Todd
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 409 (1-2), 324-330, 2011
From marine park to future genomic observatory? Enhancing marine biodiversity assessments using a biocode approach
YCA Ip, YC Tay, SX Gan, HP Ang, K Tun, LM Chou, D Huang, R Meier
Biodiversity data journal 7, 2019
Effects of macroalgal morphology on marine epifaunal diversity
SX Gan, YC Tay, D Huang
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 99 (8 …, 2019
The effects of Pleistocene climate change on biotic differentiation in a montane songbird clade from Wallacea
NSR Ng, PR Wilton, DM Prawiradilaga, YC Tay, M Indrawan, KM Garg, ...
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 114, 353-366, 2017
Genetic connectivity of the broadcast spawning reef coral Platygyra sinensis on impacted reefs, and the description of new microsatellite markers
YC Tay, AME Noreen, LM Chou, PA Todd
Coral Reefs 34 (1), 301-311, 2015
Beyond the Coral Triangle: high genetic diversity and near panmixia in Singapore's populations of the broadcast spawning sea star Protoreaster nodosus
YC Tay, MWP Chng, WWG Sew, FE Rheindt, KPP Tun, R Meier
Royal Society open science 3 (8), 160253, 2016
Galactose induction of the GAL1 gene requires conditional degradation of the Mig2 repressor
MK Lim, WL Siew, J Zhao, YC Tay, E Ang, N Lehming
Biochemical Journal 435 (3), 641-649, 2011
Next-generation identification tools for nee soon freshwater swamp forest, Singapore
SN Kutty, W Wang, Y Ang, YC Tay, JKI Ho, R Meier
Gard Bull Singap 70 (Suppl 1), 155-173, 2018
Molecular and anatomical analyses reveal that Peronia verruculata (Gastropoda: Onchidiidae) is a cryptic species complex.
JJM Chang, YC Tay, HP Ang, KPP Tun, LM Chou, R Meier, D Huang
Contributions to Zoology 87 (3), 2018
Coral reefs in Singapore: past, present and future
LM Chou, KB Toh, YC Tay, VXH Phang
Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Sustainability, Energy & the …, 2012
Temporal changes in reef community structure at Bintan Island (Indonesia) suggest need for integrated management
L Ming Chou, D Huang, KPP Tun, JTB Kwik, Y Chieh Tay, AL Seow
Pacific Science 64 (1), 99-111, 2010
Roads to isolation: Similar genomic history patterns in two species of freshwater crabs with contrasting environmental tolerances and range sizes
YC Tay, DJJ Ng, JB Loo, D Huang, Y Cai, DCJ Yeo, R Meier
Ecology and evolution 8 (9), 4657-4668, 2018
Data from: Roads to isolation: similar genomic history patterns in two species of freshwater crabs with contrasting environmental tolerances and range sizes
YC Tay, DJJ Ng, JB Loo, D Huang, Y Cai, DCJ Yeo, R Meier
New evidence shows that Pocillopora ‘damicornis-like’corals in Singapore are actually Pocillopora acuta (Scleractinia: Pocilloporidae)
RC Du, CSL Ng, JB Loo, L Afiq-Rosli, YC Tay, P Todd, LM Chou, ...
Pensoft Publishers, 2017
Modeling the transport of coral larvae within the Singapore Straits reveals potential external source reefs for the Southern Islands of Singapore
YC Tay, PA Todd, LM Chou
International Workshop on Tropical Island Biodiversity: Across Land and Sea …, 2007
Distribution patterns of Indo-Pacific mtDNA lineages of the coral predator sea stars (Acanthaster spp. and Culcita spp.) in the Coral Triangle region
M Horoiwa, C Taquet, MF Suharsono, HA Susanto, N Phongsuwan, ...
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Articles 1–20