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Coordinated primary frequency control among non-synchronous systems connected by a multi-terminal high-voltage direct current grid
J Dai, Y Phulpin, A Sarlette, D Ernst
IET generation, transmission & distribution 6 (2), 99-108, 2012
Interaction between the voltage‐droop and the frequency‐droop control for multi‐terminal HVDC systems
S Akkari, J Dai, M Petit, X Guillaud
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 10 (6), 1345-1352, 2016
Cooperative frequency control with a multi-terminal high-voltage DC network
A Sarlette, J Dai, Y Phulpin, D Ernst
Automatica 48 (12), 3128-3134, 2012
Virtual capacitor control: Mitigation of DC voltage fluctuations in MMC-based HVDC systems
K Shinoda, A Benchaib, J Dai, X Guillaud
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 33 (1), 455-465, 2017
Impact of delays on a consensus-based primary frequency control scheme for AC systems connected by a multi-terminal HVDC grid
J Dai, Y Phulpin, A Sarlette, D Ernst
2010 IREP Symposium Bulk Power System Dynamics and Control-VIII (IREP), 1-9, 2010
Small-signal state-space modeling of an HVDC link with modular multilevel converters
J Freytes, S Akkari, J Dai, F Gruson, P Rault, X Guillaud
2016 IEEE 17th Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics …, 2016
Impact of the DC cable models on the SVD analysis of a Multi-Terminal HVDC system
S Akkari, E Prieto-Araujo, J Dai, O Gomis-Bellmunt, X Guillaud
2016 Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC), 1-6, 2016
Coupling between the frequency droop and the voltage droop of an AC/DC converter in an MTDC system
S Akkari, J Dai, M Petit, X Guillaud
2015 IEEE Eindhoven PowerTech, 1-6, 2015
Nonlinear control design for a multi-terminal VSC-HVDC system
Y Chen, J Dai, G Damm, F Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue
2013 European control conference (ECC), 3536-3541, 2013
Energy difference controllers for MMC without DC current perturbations
K Shinoda, J Freytes, A Benchaib, J Dai, H Saad, X Guillaud
The 2nd International Conference on HVDC (HVDC2016), 2016
Over-and Under-Voltage Containment Reserves for Droop-Based Primary Voltage Control of MTDC Grids
K Shinoda, A Benchaib, J Dai, X Guillaud
Understanding the role of VSC control strategies in the limits of power electronics integration in AC grids using modal analysis
R Mourouvin, JC Gonzalez-Torres, J Dai, A Benchaib, D Georges, ...
Electric Power Systems Research 192, 106930, 2021
DC voltage control of MMC-based HVDC grid with Virtual Capacitor Control
K Shinoda, A Benchaib, J Dai, X Guillaud
IEEE, 2017
Voltage control in an HVDC system to share primary frequency reserves between non-synchronous areas
J Dai, Y Phulpin, A Sarlette, D Ernst
PSCC 2011, 8p., 2011
Use of thermal imaging and the photochemical reflectance index (PRI) to detect wheat response to elevated CO2 and drought
G Mulero, D Jiang, DJ Bonfil, D Helman
Plant, Cell & Environment 46 (1), 76-92, 2023
An implementation method for the supervisory control of time-driven systems applied to high-voltage direct current transmission grids
M Romero-Rodríguez, R Delpoux, L Piétrac, J Dai, A Benchaib, E Niel
Control Engineering Practice 82, 97-107, 2019
AC/DC dynamic interactions of MMC-HVDC in grid-forming for wind-farm integration in AC systems
R Mourouvin, K Shinoda, J Dai, A Benchaib, S Bacha, D Georges
2020 22nd European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'20 …, 2020
An improved control law using HVDC systems for frequency control
J Dai, G Damm
2013 EPRI HVDC & FACTS Conference, 5p., 2013
Analysis of the Lower Limit of Allowable Energy in Modular Multilevel Converters
K Shinoda, A Benchaib, J Dai, X Guillaud
Small-signal modelling for in-depth modal analysis of an MTDC system
S Akkari, J Dai, M Petit, P Rault, X Guillaud
2015 IEEE Electrical Power and Energy Conference (EPEC), 233-238, 2015
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Articles 1–20