Lei Tian
Lei Tian
Staff Engineer in Tintri
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Performance impact and interplay of SSD parallelism through advanced commands, allocation strategy and data granularity
Y Hu, H Jiang, D Feng, L Tian, H Luo, S Zhang
Proceedings of the international conference on Supercomputing, 96-107, 2011
Exploring and exploiting the multilevel parallelism inside SSDs for improved performance and endurance
Y Hu, H Jiang, D Feng, L Tian, H Luo, C Ren
Computers, IEEE Transactions on 62 (6), 1141-1155, 2013
HPDA: A hybrid parity-based disk array for enhanced performance and reliability
B Mao, H Jiang, D Feng, S Wu, J Chen, L Zeng, L Tian
Parallel & Distributed Processing (IPDPS), 2010 IEEE International Symposium …, 2010
PRO: A popularity-based multi-threaded reconstruction optimization for RAID-structured storage systems
L Tian, D Feng, H Jiang, K Zhou, L Zeng, J Chen, Z Wang, Z Song
Proceedings of the 5th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies …, 2007
P-Code: a new RAID-6 code with optimal properties
C Jin, H Jiang, D Feng, L Tian
Proceedings of the 23rd international conference on Supercomputing, 360-369, 2009
Workout: I/O workload outsourcing for boosting RAID reconstruction performance
S Wu, H Jiang, D Feng, L Tian, B Mao
Proccedings of the 7th conference on File and storage technologies, 239-252, 2009
AA-Dedupe: An Application-Aware Source Deduplication Approach for Cloud Backup Services in the Personal Computing Environment
Y Fu, H Jiang, N Xiao, L Tian, F Liu
Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 2011 IEEE International Conference on, 112-120, 2011
SAM: A Semantic-Aware Multi-tiered Source De-duplication Framework for Cloud Backup
Y Tan, H Jiang, D Feng, L Tian, Z Yan, G Zhou
Parallel Processing (ICPP), 2010 39th International Conference on, 614-623, 2010
Ddelta: A deduplication-inspired fast delta compression approach
W Xia, H Jiang, D Feng, L Tian, M Fu, Y Zhou
Performance Evaluation 79, 258-272, 2014
Smartstore: a new metadata organization paradigm with semantic-awareness for next-generation file systems
Y Hua, H Jiang, Y Zhu, D Feng, L Tian
ACM/IEEE International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking …, 2009
Read-performance optimization for deduplication-based storage systems in the cloud
B Mao, H Jiang, S Wu, Y Fu, L Tian
ACM Transactions on Storage (TOS) 10 (2), 6, 2014
Achieving page-mapping FTL performance at block-mapping FTL cost by hiding address translation
Y Hu, H Jiang, D Feng, L Tian, S Zhang, J Liu, W Tong, Y Qin, L Wang
Mass Storage Systems and Technologies (MSST), 2010 IEEE 26th Symposium on, 1-12, 2010
Application-Aware Local-Global Source Deduplication for Cloud Backup Services of Personal Storage
Y Fu, H Jiang, N Xiao, L Tian, F Liu, L Xu
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 1-1, 2014
CABdedupe: A Causality-based Deduplication Performance Booster for Cloud Backup Services
Y Tan, H Jiang, D Feng, L Tian, Z Yan
Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), 2011 IEEE International …, 2011
PUD-LRU: An Erase-Efficient Write Buffer Management Algorithm for Flash Memory SSD
J Hu, H Jiang, L Tian, L Xu
Modeling, Analysis & Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems …, 2010
Leveraging data deduplication to improve the performance of primary storage systems in the cloud
B Mao, H Jiang, S Wu, L Tian
IEEE Transactions on Computers 65 (6), 1775-1788, 2016
Combining Deduplication and Delta Compression to Achieve Low-Overhead Data Reduction on Backup Datasets
W Xia, H Jiang, D Feng, L Tian
Data Compression Conference (DCC), 2014, 203-212, 2014
P-dedupe: Exploiting parallelism in data deduplication system
W Xia, H Jiang, D Feng, L Tian, M Fu, Z Wang
Networking, Architecture and Storage (NAS), 2012 IEEE 7th International …, 2012
Scalable and adaptive metadata management in ultra large-scale file systems
Y Hua, Y Zhu, H Jiang, D Feng, L Tian
Distributed Computing Systems, 2008. ICDCS'08. The 28th International …, 2008
FARMER: a novel approach to file access correlation mining and evaluation reference model for optimizing peta-scale file system performance
P Xia, D Feng, H Jiang, L Tian, F Wang
Proceedings of the 17th international symposium on High performance …, 2008
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Articles 1–20