S. Mathavaraj
S. Mathavaraj
U. R. Rao Satellite Center
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Cited by
Satellite Formation Flying: High Precision Guidance using Optimal and Adaptive Control Techniques
S Mathavaraj
Springer Nature, 2021
Robust control of a reusable launch vehicle in reentry phase using model following neuro-adaptive design
S Mathavaraj, O Halbe, R Padhi
AIAA guidance, navigation, and control conference, 8312, 2010
Constrained optimal multi-phase lunar landing trajectory with minimum fuel consumption
S Mathavaraj, R Pandiyan, R Padhi
Advances in Space Research 60 (11), 2477-2490, 2017
ISRO’s Unprecedented Journey to the Moon
S Mathavaraj, K Negi, G Vaibhav
Acta Astronautica, 2020
SE (3)-Constrained Extended Kalman Filtering for Rigid Body Pose Estimation
S Mathavaraj, E Butcher
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2022
Energy based suboptimal reentry guidance of a reusable launch vehicle using model predictive static programming
O Halbe, S Mathavaraj, R Padhi
AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, 8311, 2010
Optimal Trajectory Planning for Multiphase Lunar Landing
S Mathavaraj, R Pandiyan, R Padhi
ACODS 49 (1), 124-129, 2016
Unscented MPSP for Optimal Control of a Class of Uncertain Nonlinear Dynamic Systems
S Mathavaraj, R Padhi
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 2019
Rigid-body attitude control, synchronization, and bipartite consensus using feedback reshaping
S Mathavaraj, EA Butcher
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 46 (6), 1095-1111, 2023
Computational guidance using model predictive static programming for challenging space missions: an introductory tutorial with example scenarios
R Padhi, A Banerjee, S Mathavaraj, V Srianish
IEEE Control Systems Magazine 44 (2), 55-80, 2024
Quasi-spectral unscented MPSP guidance for robust soft-landing on asteroid
S Mathavaraj, R Padhi
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 191 (2), 823-845, 2021
Site detection for autonomous soft-landing on asteroids using deep learning
K Ravani, S Mathavaraj, R Padhi
Transactions of the Indian National Academy of Engineering 6 (2), 365-375, 2021
Optimally allocated nonlinear robust control of a reusable launch vehicle during re-entry
S Mathavaraj, R Padhi
Unmanned Systems 8 (01), 33-48, 2020
Chandrayaan-3 Trajectory Design: Injection to Successful Landing
S Mathavaraj, K Negi
Journal of spacecraft and rockets 62 (1), 159-166, 2025
Explicit Constrained Terminal Acceleration Optimal Guidance for Three Dimensional Lunar Landing
S Mathavaraj, R Padhi
Satellite Orbital Dynamics
S Mathavaraj, R Padhi
Satellite Formation Flying: High Precision Guidance using Optimal and …, 2021
A predictive guidance scheme for soft landing of a lunar module
S Mathavaraj, R Pandiyan, N Ghatpande, NS Gopinath
International Astronautical Congress, 2012
Nonlinear optimal reentry guidance and control of RLV in pitch plane
O Halbe, S Mathavaraj, P Sarmah, C Chawla, P Chethana, R Padhi
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 43 (15), 142-147, 2010
Introduction and Motivation
S Mathavaraj, R Padhi
Satellite Formation Flying: High Precision Guidance using Optimal and …, 2021
Infinite-Time LQR and SDRE for Satellite Formation Flying
S Mathavaraj, R Padhi
Satellite Formation Flying: High Precision Guidance using Optimal and …, 2021
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