Hassaan Hashmi
Hassaan Hashmi
Ph.D. Student at Yale University
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Cited by
Cited by
A neural network based approach for background noise reduction in airborne acoustic emission of a machining process
T Zafar, K Kamal, Z Sheikh, S Mathavan, U Ali, H Hashmi
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 31, 3171-3182, 2017
Model-Free Learning of Optimal Deterministic Resource Allocations in Wireless Systems via Action-Space Exploration
H Hashmi, DS Kalogerias
2021 IEEE 31st International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal …, 2021
Model-Free Learning of Optimal Beamformers for Passive IRS-Assisted Sumrate Maximization
H Hashmi, S Pougkakiotis, DS Kalogerias
ICASSP 2023-2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2023
Control of a ball-bot using a PSO trained neural network
M Shaheer, H Hashmi, S Khan, M Atif, Z Shabbir, A Ali, K Kamal, T Zafar, ...
2016 2nd International Conference on Control, Automation and Robotics (ICCAR …, 2016
Model-Free Learning of Two-Stage Beamformers for Passive IRS-Aided Network Design
H Hashmi, S Pougkakiotis, D Kalogerias
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2023
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Articles 1–5