Minh Dao-Tran
Minh Dao-Tran
Institute of Information Systems 184/3, Vienna University of Technology
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Cited by
A native and adaptive approach for unified processing of linked streams and linked data
D Le-Phuoc, M Dao-Tran, JX Parreira, M Hauswirth
International Semantic Web Conference, 370-388, 2011
LARS: A Logic-Based Framework for Analyzing Reasoning over Streams.
H Beck, M Dao-Tran, T Eiter, M Fink
AAAI, 1431-1438, 2015
Linked Stream Data Processing Engines: Facts and Figures
D Le-Phuoc, M Dao-Tran, MD Pham, P Boncz, T Eiter, M Fink
The Semantic Web–ISWC 2012, 300-312, 2012
The Fourth Answer Set Programming Competition: Preliminary Report
M Alviano, F Calimeri, G Charwat, M Dao-Tran, C Dodaro, G Ianni, ...
Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning, 42-53, 2013
Modular nonmonotonic logic programming revisited
M Dao-Tran, T Eiter, M Fink, T Krennwallner
International Conference on Logic Programming, 145-159, 2009
OMiGA: An Open Minded Grounding On-The-Fly Answer Set Solver
M Dao-Tran, T Eiter, M Fink, G Weidinger, A Weinzierl
Logics in Artificial Intelligence, 480-483, 2012
Distributed nonmonotonic multi-context systems
M Dao-Tran, T Eiter, M Fink, T Krennwallner
12th International Conference on the Principles of Knowledge Representation …, 2010
A Query Model to Capture Event Pattern Matching in RDF Stream Processing Query Languages
D Dell’Aglio, M Dao-Tran, JP Calbimonte, D Le Phuoc, E Della Valle
Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management: 20th International …, 2016
Realizing default logic over description logic knowledge bases
M Dao-Tran, T Eiter, T Krennwallner
European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning and …, 2009
Answer Update for Rule-Based Stream Reasoning.
H Beck, M Dao-Tran, T Eiter
IJCAI, 2741-2747, 2015
Towards Enriching CQELS with Complex Event Processing and Path Navigation.
M Dao-Tran, D Le Phuoc
HiDeSt@ KI, 2-14, 2015
RDF stream processing with CQELS framework for real-time analysis
D Le Phuoc, M Dao-Tran, A Le Tuan, MN Duc, M Hauswirth
Proceedings of the 9th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event …, 2015
Combining nonmonotonic knowledge bases with external sources
T Eiter, G Brewka, M Dao-Tran, M Fink, G Ianni, T Krennwallner
International Symposium on Frontiers of Combining Systems, 18-42, 2009
Equivalent Stream Reasoning Programs.
H Beck, M Dao-Tran, T Eiter
IJCAI, 929-935, 2016
The DMCS solver for distributed nonmonotonic multi-context systems
S Bairakdar, M Dao-Tran, T Eiter, M Fink, T Krennwallner
Logics in Artificial Intelligence, 352-355, 2010
Distributed Evaluation of Nonmonotonic Multi-context Systems
M Dao-Tran, T Eiter, M Fink, T Krennwallner
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 543-600, 2015
Decomposition of distributed nonmonotonic multi-context systems
S Bairakdar, M Dao-Tran, T Eiter, M Fink, T Krennwallner
Logics in Artificial Intelligence, 24-37, 2010
Stream Reasoning
A Mileo, M Dao-Tran, T Eiter, M Fink
Springer-Verlag, 2017
Stream Reasoning-Based Control of Caching Strategies in CCN Routers
H Beck, B Bierbaumer, M Dao-Tran, T Eiter, H Hellwagner, K Schekotihin
arXiv preprint arXiv:1610.04005, 2016
Towards a logic-based framework for analyzing stream reasoning
H Beck, M Dao-Tran, T Eiter, M Fink
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Ordering and Reasoning …, 2014
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Articles 1–20