Xin Fang (方鑫)
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Cited by
Coupon-based demand response considering wind power uncertainty: A strategic bidding model for load serving entities
X Fang, Q Hu, F Li, B Wang, Y Li
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 31 (2), 1025 - 1037, 2015
Multi-Stage Stochastic Programming to Joint Economic Dispatch for Energy and Reserve with Uncertain Renewable Energy
R Lu, T Ding, B Qin, J Ma, X Fang, ZY Dong
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2019
A framework of residential demand aggregation with financial incentives
Q Hu, F Li, X Fang, L Bai
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 9 (1), 497-505, 2016
Day-ahead coordinated operation of utility-scale electricity and natural gas networks considering demand response based virtual power plants
H Cui, F Li, Q Hu, L Bai, X Fang
Applied energy 176, 183-195, 2016
Introducing Uncertainty Components in Locational Marginal Prices for Pricing Wind Power and Load Uncertainties
X Fang, BM Hodge, E Du, C Kang, F Li
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2018
Bi-Level Arbitrage Potential Evaluation for Grid-Scale Energy Storage Considering Wind Power and LMP Smoothing Effect
H Cui, F Li, X Fang, H Chen, H Wang
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 9 (2), 707-718, 2018
Strategic Scheduling of Energy Storage for Load Serving Entities in locational marginal pricing market
X Fang, F Li, Y Wei, H Cui
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 10 (5), 1258 – 1267, 2016
Load Altering Attack-Tolerant Defense Strategy For Load Frequency Control System
C Chen, M Cui, X Fang
Applied Energy, 2020
Distributionally-robust chance constrained and interval optimization for integrated electricity and natural gas systems optimal power flow with wind uncertainties
X Fang, H Cui, H Yuan, J Tan, T Jiang
Applied Energy 252, 1-13, 2019
Reactive power planning under high penetration of wind energy using Benders decomposition
Xin Fang, Fangxing Li, Yanli Wei, Riyasat Azim, Yan Xu
Generation, Transmission & Distribution, IET 9 (14), 1835 - 1844, 2015
Transmission-and-Distribution Dynamic Co-simulation Framework for Distributed Energy Resource Frequency Response
W Wang, X Fang, H Cui, F Li, Y Liu, TJ Overbye
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2021
Mean-Variance Optimization-Based Energy Storage Scheduling Considering Day-Ahead and Real-Time LMP Uncertainties
X Fang, BM Hodge, L Bai, H Cui, F Li
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2018
Decentralized Wind Uncertainty Management: Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers Based Distributionally-Robust Chance Constrained Optimal Power Flow
X Fang, BM Hodge, H Jiang, Y Zhang
Applied Energy, 2019
Current Status and Development Trend on Capacity Credit of Photovoltaic Generation
S Liang, X Hu, D Zhang, H Wang, X Fang
Automation of Electric Power Systems 35 (19), 101-107, 2011
Deliverable Flexible Ramping Products Considering Spatiotemporal Correlation of Wind Generation and Demand Uncertainties
X Fang, K Sedzro, H Yuan, H Ye, BM Hodge
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 35 (4), DOI: 10.1109/TPWRS.2019.2958531, 2019
Modelling Wind Power Spatial-Temporal Correlation in Multi-Interval Optimal Power Flow: A Sparse Correlation Matrix Approach
X Fang, BM Hodge, E Du, N Zhang, FF Li
Applied Energy, 2018
Application of battery-supercapacitor energy storage system for smoothing wind power output: An optimal coordinated control strategy
L Bai, F Li, Q Hu, H Cui, X Fang
2016 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), 1-5, 2016
State-of-the-art short-term electricity market operation with solar generation: a review
S Yin, J Wang, Z Li, X Fang
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2020
Available Transfer Capability Evaluation in a Deregulated Electricity Market Considering Correlated Wind Power
H Chen, X Fang, R Zhang, T Jiang, G Li, F Li
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 12 (1), 53-61, 2018
Evaluation of LMP Intervals Considering Wind Uncertainty
X Fang, Y Wei, F Li
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 31 (3), 2495 - 2496, 2015
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Articles 1–20