Irina Anastasiu
Cited by
Cited by
# BlockSidewalk to Barcelona: Technological sovereignty and the social license to operate smart cities
M Mann, P Mitchell, M Foth, I Anastasiu
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 71 (9 …, 2020
Tales of institutioning and commoning: Participatory design processes with a strategic and tactical perspective
M Teli, M Foth, M Sciannamblo, I Anastasiu, P Lyle
Proceedings of the 16th Participatory Design Conference 2020-Participation …, 2020
Unpacking the smart city through the lens of the right to the city: A taxonomy as a way forward in participatory city-making
I Anastasiu
The hackable city: Digital media and collaborative city-making in the …, 2019
Fixing the city one photo at a time: mobile logging of maintenance requests
M Foth, R Schroeter, I Anastasiu
Proceedings of the 23rd Australian computer-Human interaction conference …, 2011
From automation to autonomy: Technological sovereignty for better data care in smart cities
M Foth, I Anastasiu, M Mann, P Mitchell
Automating cities: Design, construction, operation and future impact, 319-343, 2021
From Repositories to Switchboards: Local Governments as Facilitators of Open Data and Co-Creation
I Anastasiu, M Foth, R Schroeter, M Rittenbruch
Open Cities| Open Data: Collaborative Cities in the Information Era, Scott …, 2018
Geographies of locative apps
P Mitchell, M Foth, I Anastasiu
Routledge handbook of media geographies, 183-195, 2021
Pandemic tech utopias and capitalist surveillance cultures: The case of privacy-preserving contact-tracing apps
M Mann, P Mitchell, M Foth, I Anastasiu
Social Science Research Network (SSRN), 2020
FixVegas: facilitating multi-directional communication between government officials and citizens to support urban planning in the city of Brisbane
I Anastasiu
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen, 2012
Humanising the smart city: Co-creation redefined in pursuit of systemic change
I Anastasiu Cioaca
Queensland University of Technology, 2020
Tangible E-Learning
I Anastasiu
Trends in E-Learning: An overview of current trends, developments, and …, 2008
Civic engagement and participatory CityMaking: A flyThrough towards systemic Change
I Anastasiu
Digital Cities 9–Hackable Cities: From Subversive City Making to Systemic …, 2015
Humanising the smart city via participatory citymaking: Taking an action research approach
I Anastasiu, M Foth, R Schroeter
Short videos on Douyin: An intermediary approach to connect Australian food producers with Chinese consumers
J McQueenie, M Foth, S Cao, G Hearn, I Anastasiu, W Powell
Social Sciences & Humanities Open 10, 101148, 2024
The rise of mobile media and hybrid spatiality
P Mitchell, M Foth, I Anastasiu
Routledge Handbook of Media Geographies, 2021
ACOLA| Some Environmental Sustainability Concerns about IoT-enabled Smart Cities
M Foth, P Mitchell, M Mann, M Rittenbruch, I Anastasiu
National Academies Forum, 2021
Some Environmental Sustainability Concerns about IoT-enabled Smart Cities. Input paper for the Horizon Scanning Project'The Internet of Things' on behalf of the Australian …
M Foth, P Mitchell, M Mann, M Rittenbruch, I Anastasiu
Australian Council of Learned Academies (ACOLA), 2021
Legal Framework and Standardization in eHealth
I Anastasiu, E Reinstadler, T Weghorn, J Windau
Technologies and Services in the Light of Demographic Changes, 65-84, 2009
PROCURA–A Platform for Management of Real-Time Vital Parameters
I Anastasiu, T Li, P Petkov, I Reichert
Technologies and Services in the Light of Demographic Changes, 145-187, 2009
Social Sciences & Humanities Open
J McQueenie, M Foth, S Cao, G Hearn, I Anastasiu, W Powell
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Articles 1–20