Javier Seoane
Javier Seoane
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (Terrestrial Ecology Group)
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The application of predictive modelling of species distribution to biodiversity conservation
JP Rodríguez, L Brotons, J Bustamante, J Seoane
Diversity and Distributions, 243-251, 2007
Competing roles for landscape, vegetation, topography and climate in predictive models of bird distribution
J Seoane, J Bustamante, R Dıaz-Delgado
Ecological Modelling 171 (3), 209-222, 2004
The effects of land use and climate on red kite distribution in the Iberian peninsula
J Seoane, J Viñuela, R Dıaz-Delgado, J Bustamante
Biological Conservation 111 (3), 401-414, 2003
Predicting the distribution of four species of raptors (Aves: Accipitridae) in southern Spain: statistical models work better than existing maps
J Bustamante, J Seoane
Journal of Biogeography 31 (2), 295-306, 2004
Species-specific traits associated to prediction errors in bird habitat suitability modelling
J Seoane, LM Carrascal, CL Alonso, D Palomino
Ecological Modelling 185 (2-4), 299-308, 2005
Habitat-suitability modelling to assess the effects of land-use changes on Dupont’s lark Chersophilus duponti: a case study in the Layna Important Bird Area
J Seoane, JH Justribo, F García, J Retamar, C Rabadan, JC Atienza
Biological Conservation 128 (2), 241-252, 2006
Effect of expert opinion on the predictive ability of environmental models of bird distribution
J Seoane, J Bustamante, R DÍAZ‐DELGADO
Conservation Biology 19 (2), 512-522, 2005
Interspecific differences in population trends of Spanish birds are related to habitat and climatic preferences
J Seoane, LM Carrascal
Global Ecology and Biogeography 17 (1), 111-121, 2008
Assessing the effects of a highway on a threatened species using Before–During–After and Before–During–After-Control–Impact designs
A Torres, C Palacín, J Seoane, JC Alonso
Biological Conservation 144 (9), 2223-2232, 2011
Are existing vegetation maps adequate to predict bird distributions?
J Seoane, J Bustamante, R Dıaz-Delgado
Ecological modelling 175 (2), 137-149, 2004
Modelos predictivos de la distribución de especies: una revisión de sus limitaciones
J Seoane, J Bustamante
Organismo Autónomo Parques Nacionales (España), 2005
Showiness, non-parasitic symbionts, and nutritional condition in a passerine bird
G Blanco, J Seoane, J de la Puente
Annales Zoologici Fennici, 83-91, 1999
Thermal, food and vegetation effects on winter bird species richness of Mediterranean oakwoods
LM Carrascal, S Villén-Pérez, J Seoane
Ecological research 27, 293-302, 2012
Factors affecting large-scale distribution of the Bonelli’s eagle Aquila fasciata in Spain
LM Carrascal, J Seoane
Ecological Research 24, 565-573, 2009
How will climate change affect endangered Mediterranean waterbirds?
F Ramirez, C Rodriguez, J Seoane, J Figuerola, J Bustamante
PloS one 13 (2), e0192702, 2018
Environmental objectives of Spanish agriculture: Scientific guidelines for their effective implementation under the Common Agricultural Policy 2023-2030
M Díaz, ED Concepción, MB Morales, JC Alonso, FM Azcárate, ...
Ardeola 68 (2), 445-460, 2021
Foraging patch selection in winter: a balance between predation risk and thermoregulation benefit
S Villén-Pérez, LM Carrascal, J Seoane
PLoS One 8 (7), e68448, 2013
Explanations for bird species range size: ecological correlates and phylogenetic effects in the Canary Islands
LM Carrascal, J Seoane, D Palomino, V Polo
Journal of Biogeography 35 (11), 2061-2073, 2008
Habitat use and population density of the houbara bustard Chlamydotis undulata in Fuerteventura (Canary Islands)
LM Carrascal, D Palomino, J Seoane, CL Alonso
African Journal of Ecology 46 (3), 291-302, 2008
What species-specific traits make a bird a better surrogate of native species richness? A test with insular avifauna
LM Carrascal, L Cayuela, D Palomino, J Seoane
Biological conservation 152, 204-211, 2012
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Articles 1–20