fangli liu
fangli liu
QuEra Computing
在 umd.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Quantum Approximate Optimization of the Long-Range Ising Model with a Trapped-Ion Quantum Simulator
G Pagano, A Bapat, P Becker, KS Collins, A De, PW Hess, HB Kaplan, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2020, 117(41): 25396-25401., 2019
Hilbert-space fragmentation from strict confinement
ZC Yang, F Liu, AV Gorshkov, T Iadecola
Physical review letters 124 (20), 207602, 2020
Observation of Stark many-body localization without disorder
W Morong, F Liu, P Becker, KS Collins, L Feng, A Kyprianidis, G Pagano, ...
Nature 599, 393-398, 2021
Confined quasiparticle dynamics in long-range interacting quantum spin chains
F Liu, R Lundgren, P Titum, G Pagano, J Zhang, C Monroe, AV Gorshkov
Physical review letters 122 (15), 150601, 2019
Localization and adiabatic pumping in a generalized Aubry-André-Harper model
F Liu, S Ghosh, YD Chong
Physical Review B 91 (1), 014108, 2015
Domain-wall confinement and dynamics in a quantum simulator
WL Tan, P Becker, F Liu, G Pagano, KS Collins, A De, L Feng, HB Kaplan, ...
Nature Physics 17 (6), 742-747, 2021
Digital quantum simulation of Floquet symmetry-protected topological phases
X Zhang, W Jiang, J Deng, K Wang, J Chen, P Zhang, W Ren, H Dong, ...
Nature 607 (7919), 468-473, 2022
Many-body Hilbert space scarring on a superconducting processor
P Zhang, H Dong, Y Gao, L Zhao, J Hao, JY Desaules, Q Guo, J Chen, ...
Nature Physics 19 (1), 120-125, 2023
Aquila: QuEra's 256-qubit neutral-atom quantum computer
J Wurtz, A Bylinskii, B Braverman, J Amato-Grill, SH Cantu, F Huber, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.11727, 2023
Real-time dynamics of string breaking in quantum spin chains
R Verdel, F Liu, S Whitsitt, AV Gorshkov, M Heyl
Physical Review B 102 (1), 014308, 2020
Circuit complexity across a topological phase transition
F Liu, S Whitsitt, JB Curtis, R Lundgren, P Titum, ZC Yang, JR Garrison, ...
Physical Review Research 2 (1), 013323, 2020
Gate-tunable coherent perfect absorption of terahertz radiation in graphene
F Liu, YD Chong, S Adam, M Polini
2D Materials 1 (3), 031001, 2014
Directional excitation of graphene surface plasmons
F Liu, C Qian, YD Chong
Optics express 23 (3), 2383-2391, 2015
Asymmetric particle transport and light-cone dynamics induced by anyonic statistics
F Liu, JR Garrison, DL Deng, ZX Gong, AV Gorshkov
Physical review letters 121 (25), 250404, 2018
Localization and Criticality in Antiblockaded Two-Dimensional Rydberg Atom Arrays
F Liu, ZC Yang, P Bienias, T Iadecola, AV Gorshkov
Physical Review Letters 128 (1), 013603, 2022
Dark surface waves in self-focusing media with diffusion and photovoltaic nonlinearities
Z Luo, F Liu, Y Xu, H Liu, T Zhang, J Xu, J Tian
Optics Express 21 (13), 15075-15080, 2013
Probing quantum floating phases in Rydberg atom arrays
J Zhang, SH Cantú, F Liu, A Bylinskii, B Braverman, F Huber, ...
Nature Communications 16 (1), 712, 2025
Trimer quantum spin liquid in a honeycomb array of Rydberg atoms
M Kornjača, R Samajdar, T Macrì, N Gemelke, ST Wang, F Liu
Communications Physics 6 (1), 358, 2023
Momentum-space entanglement after a quench in one-dimensional disordered fermionic systems
R Lundgren, F Liu, P Laurell, GA Fiete
Physical Review B 100 (24), 241108, 2019
Measuring spectral form factor in many-body chaotic and localized phases of quantum processors
H Dong, P Zhang, CB Dag, Y Gao, N Wang, J Deng, X Zhang, J Chen, ...
Phys. Rev. Lett. 134, 010402 (2025), 2025
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