Shu-Shing Lee
Shu-Shing Lee
Research Scientist, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University
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Authenticity in learning for the twenty-first century: Bridging the formal and the informal
D Hung, SS Lee, KYT Lim
Educational Technology Research and Development 60, 1071-1091, 2012
Fostering creativity in the classroom for high ability students: Context does matter
LS Tan, SS Lee, LD Ponnusamy, ER Koh, KCK Tan
Education Sciences 6 (4), 36, 2016
An ecological view of conceptualising change in the Singapore education system
SS Lee, D Hung, LW Teh
Educational Research for Policy and Practice 15, 55-70, 2016
Is there an instructional framework for 21st century learning?
SS Lee, D Hung
Creative Education 3 (4), 461-470, 2012
Teachers as brokers: Bridging formal and informal learning in the 21st century.
D Hung, SS Lee, KYT Lim
KEDI Journal of Educational Policy 9 (1), 2012
The complexities in fostering critical thinking through school-based curriculum innovation: research evidence from Singapore
LS Tan, E Koh, SS Lee, LD Ponnusamy, KCK Tan
Asia Pacific Journal of Education 37 (4), 517-534, 2017
Digital storytelling and the nature of knowledge
DWLH Michael Tan, Shu-Shing Lee
Education and Information Technologies 19 (3), 634-635, 2014
A Singapore case study of curriculum innovation in the twenty-first century: Demands, tensions and deliberations
E Koh, LD Ponnusamy, LS Tan, SS Lee, ME Ramos
The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher 23, 851-860, 2014
Creative information seeking Part I: a conceptual framework
SS Lee, YL Theng, D Hoe‐Lian Goh
Aslib Proceedings 57 (5), 460-475, 2005
Adaptivity as a transformative disposition: For learning in the 21st century
D Hung, KYT Lim, SS Lee
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
A system’s model of scaling: Leveraging upon centralised and decentralised structures for diffusion
D Hung, A Jamaludin, Y Toh, SS Lee, L Wu, I Shaari
Learning: Research and Practice 2 (2), 143-159, 2016
Toward an educational view of scaling: Sufficing standard and not a gold standard
D Hung, SS Lee, L Wu
Educational Research for Policy and Practice 14, 77-91, 2015
Moving Singapore from great to excellent: How educational research informs this shift.
SS Lee, D Hung, LW Teh
KEDI Journal of Educational Policy 10 (2), 267-292, 2013
A socio-cultural perspective to teacher adaptivity: The spreading of curricular innovations in Singapore schools
SS Lee, D Hung
Learning: Research and Practice 2 (1), 64-84, 2016
Towards 21st century learning: An analysis of top performing asian education systems' reforms
D Hung, SS Lee, LWE Teh
The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher 23 (4), 2014
Innovations in Educational Change
D Hung, SS Lee, Y Toh, A Jamaludin, W Longkai
Singapore: Springer. doi 10, 978-981, 2019
Creative information seeking: Part II: empirical verification
SS Lee, YL Theng, D Hoe‐Lian Goh
Aslib Proceedings 59 (3), 205-221, 2007
Sustaining research innovations in educational technology through communities of practice
D Hung, SS Lee, KYT Lim
Educational Technology, 33-37, 2012
Intricacies of designing and implementing enrichment programs for high-ability students
TTSAC Liang See Tan, Letchmi Ponnusamy, Shu-Shing Lee, Elizabeth Koh, Lauren ...
Gifted Education International 36 (2), 130-253, 2020
Moving forward: Key areas of educational research for the Asia Pacific
D Hung, SS Lee, KYT Lim
The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher 22 (2), 219-220, 2013
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Articles 1–20