David Suter
Cited by
Cited by
As-projective-as-possible image stitching with moving DLT
J Zaragoza, TJ Chin, MS Brown, D Suter
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2013
Fast supervised hashing with decision trees for high-dimensional data
G Lin, C Shen, Q Shi, A Van den Hengel, D Suter
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2014
Joint detection and estimation of multiple objects from image observations
BN Vo, BT Vo, NT Pham, D Suter
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 58 (10), 5129-5141, 2010
Recognizing human activities from silhouettes: Motion subspace and factorial discriminative graphical model
L Wang, D Suter
2007 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1-8, 2007
Adaptive object tracking based on an effective appearance filter
H Wang, D Suter, K Schindler, C Shen
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 29 (9), 1661-1667, 2007
A consensus-based method for tracking: Modelling background scenario and foreground appearance
H Wang, D Suter
Pattern recognition 40 (3), 1091-1105, 2007
Learning and matching of dynamic shape manifolds for human action recognition
L Wang, D Suter
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 16 (6), 1646-1661, 2007
Assessing the performance of corner detectors for point feature tracking applications
P Tissainayagam, D Suter
Image and Vision computing 22 (8), 663-679, 2004
A general two-step approach to learning-based hashing
G Lin, C Shen, D Suter, A Van Den Hengel
Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on computer vision, 2552-2559, 2013
Incremental kernel principal component analysis
TJ Chin, D Suter
IEEE transactions on image processing 16 (6), 1662-1674, 2007
Visual tracking of numerous targets via multi-Bernoulli filtering of image data
R Hoseinnezhad, BN Vo, BT Vo, D Suter
Pattern Recognition 45 (10), 3625-3635, 2012
Motion estimation and vector splines
D Suter
CVPR 94, 939-942, 1994
Robust adaptive-scale parametric model estimation for computer vision
H Wang, D Suter
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 26 (11), 1459 …, 2004
Recovering the missing components in a large noisy low-rank matrix: Application to SFM
P Chen, D Suter
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 26 (8), 1051-1063, 2004
Robust optic flow computation
A Bab-Hadiashar, D Suter
International Journal of Computer Vision 29 (1), 59-77, 1998
Dynamic and hierarchical multi-structure geometric model fitting
HS Wong, TJ Chin, J Yu, D Suter
2011 International Conference on Computer Vision, 1044-1051, 2011
Object tracking in image sequences using point features
P Tissainayagam, D Suter
Pattern Recognition 38 (1), 105-113, 2005
The random cluster model for robust geometric fitting
TT Pham, TJ Chin, J Yu, D Suter
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 36 (8), 1658-1671, 2014
3D terrestrial LIDAR classifications with super-voxels and multi-scale Conditional Random Fields
EH Lim, D Suter
Computer-Aided Design 41 (10), 701-710, 2009
Simultaneously fitting and segmenting multiple-structure data with outliers
H Wang, TJ Chin, D Suter
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 34 (6), 1177-1192, 2011
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Articles 1–20