Nishanth Chandran
Nishanth Chandran
Principal Researcher, Microsoft Research, India
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Cited by
SecureNN: 3-party secure computation for neural network training
S Wagh, D Gupta, N Chandran
Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies, 2019
Cryptflow2: Practical 2-party secure inference
D Rathee, M Rathee, N Kumar, N Chandran, D Gupta, A Rastogi, ...
Proceedings of the 2020 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications …, 2020
Cryptflow: Secure tensorflow inference
N Kumar, M Rathee, N Chandran, D Gupta, A Rastogi, R Sharma
2020 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP), 336-353, 2020
Position based cryptography
N Chandran, V Goyal, R Moriarty, R Ostrovsky
Annual International Cryptology Conference, 391-407, 2009
Position-based quantum cryptography: Impossibility and constructions
H Buhrman, N Chandran, S Fehr, R Gelles, V Goyal, R Ostrovsky, ...
SIAM Journal on Computing 43 (1), 150-178, 2014
Big data analytics over encrypted datasets with seabed
A Papadimitriou, R Bhagwan, N Chandran, R Ramjee, A Haeberlen, ...
12th USENIX symposium on operating systems design and implementation (OSDI …, 2016
EzPC: Programmable and efficient secure two-party computation for machine learning
N Chandran, D Gupta, A Rastogi, R Sharma, S Tripathi
2019 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P), 496-511, 2019
A public key encryption scheme secure against key dependent chosen plaintext and adaptive chosen ciphertext attacks
J Camenisch, N Chandran, V Shoup
Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of …, 2009
Ring signatures of sub-linear size without random oracles
N Chandran, J Groth, A Sahai
International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming, 423-434, 2007
New constructions for UC secure computation using tamper-proof hardware
N Chandran, V Goyal, A Sahai
Advances in Cryptology–EUROCRYPT 2008: 27th Annual International Conference …, 2008
Function secret sharing for mixed-mode and fixed-point secure computation
E Boyle, N Chandran, N Gilboa, D Gupta, Y Ishai, N Kumar, M Rathee
Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of …, 2021
Sirnn: A math library for secure rnn inference
D Rathee, M Rathee, RKK Goli, D Gupta, R Sharma, N Chandran, ...
2021 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP), 1003-1020, 2021
User-controlled data encryption with obfuscated policy
N Chandran, ME Chase, KE Lauter, V Vaikuntanathan
US Patent 9,077,525, 2015
Re-encryption, functional re-encryption, and multi-hop re-encryption: a framework for achieving obfuscation-based security and instantiations from lattices
N Chandran, M Chase, FH Liu, R Nishimaki, K Xagawa
International Workshop on Public Key Cryptography, 95-112, 2014
HOP: Hardware makes Obfuscation Practical.
K Nayak, CW Fletcher, L Ren, N Chandran, SV Lokam, E Shi, V Goyal
NDSS 2017, 0, 2017
Circuit-PSI with linear complexity via relaxed batch OPPRF
N Chandran, D Gupta, A Shah
Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies, 2022
Functional re-encryption and collusion-resistant obfuscation
N Chandran, M Chase, V Vaikuntanathan
Theory of Cryptography Conference, 404-421, 2012
Efficient linear multiparty PSI and extensions to circuit
N Chandran, N Dasgupta, D Gupta, SLB Obbattu, S Sekar, A Shah
quorum psi. Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 172, 2021, 2021
Block-wise non-malleable codes
N Chandran, V Goyal, P Mukherjee, O Pandey, J Upadhyay
Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2015
Sigma: Secure gpt inference with function secret sharing
K Gupta, N Jawalkar, A Mukherjee, N Chandran, D Gupta, A Panwar, ...
Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2023
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Articles 1–20