Kaushalya Kumarasinghe, PhD
Kaushalya Kumarasinghe, PhD
Data Scientist at Spark New Zealand Ltd.
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Cited by
Brain-inspired spiking neural networks for decoding and understanding muscle activity and kinematics from electroencephalography signals during hand movements
K Kumarasinghe, N Kasabov, D Taylor
Scientific reports 11 (1), 2486, 2021
Deep learning and deep knowledge representation in spiking neural networks for brain-computer interfaces
K Kumarasinghe, N Kasabov, D Taylor
Neural Networks 121, 169-185, 2020
FaNeuRobot: a framework for robot and prosthetics control using the neucube spiking neural network architecture and finite automata theory
K Kumarasinghe, M Owen, D Taylor, N Kasabov, C Kit
2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 4465-4472, 2018
espannet: Evolving spike pattern association neural network for spike-based supervised incremental learning and its application for single-trial brain computer interfaces
K Kumarasinghe, D Taylor, N Kasabov
2019 international joint conference on neural networks (ijcnn), 1-8, 2019
From von Neumann Architecture and Atanasoff’s ABC to Neuromorphic Computation and Kasabov’s NeuCube. Part II: Applications
M Gholami Doborjeh, Z Gholami Doborjeh, AR Gollahalli, ...
Practical Issues of Intelligent Innovations, 17-36, 2018
From von Neumann Architecture and Atanasoffs ABC to Neuro-Morphic Computation and Kasabov’s NeuCube: Principles and Implementations
N Sengupta, JIE Ramos, E Tu, S Marks, N Scott, J Weclawski, ...
Learning Systems: From Theory to Practice, 1-28, 2018
Deep Learning and Knowledge Representation in Brain-Inspired Spiking Neural Networks for Brain-Computer Interfaces
KVDCK Kumarasinghe
Auckland University of Technology, 2021
Surface Electromyography Time Series Analysis for Regaining the Intuitive Grasping Capability After Thumb Amputation
CK Kumarasinghe, DK Withanage
Machine Learning and Cybernetics: 13th International Conference, Lanzhou …, 2014
A framework for retrieving information by using the local language on internet protocol television
CK Kumarasinghe, SL Wicramasinghe, P Hewamadduma, N Devthilina, ...
IEEE-International Conference On Advances In Engineering, Science And …, 2012
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