Professor Mark J. Buckley
Professor Mark J. Buckley
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Cited by
Optimal decision making and the anterior cingulate cortex
SW Kennerley, ME Walton, TEJ Behrens, MJ Buckley, MFS Rushworth
Nature neuroscience 9 (7), 940-947, 2006
Conflict-induced behavioural adjustment: a clue to the executive functions of the prefrontal cortex
FA Mansouri, K Tanaka, MJ Buckley
Nature Reviews Neuroscience 10 (2), 141-152, 2009
Separable learning systems in the macaque brain and the role of orbitofrontal cortex in contingent learning
ME Walton, TEJ Behrens, MJ Buckley, PH Rudebeck, MFS Rushworth
Neuron 65 (6), 927-939, 2010
Frontal cortex subregions play distinct roles in choices between actions and stimuli
PH Rudebeck, TE Behrens, SW Kennerley, MG Baxter, MJ Buckley, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 28 (51), 13775-13785, 2008
Separate value comparison and learning mechanisms in macaque medial and lateral orbitofrontal cortex
MP Noonan, ME Walton, TEJ Behrens, J Sallet, MJ Buckley, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (47), 20547-20552, 2010
Functional organization of the medial frontal cortex
MFS Rushworth, MJ Buckley, TEJ Behrens, ME Walton, DM Bannerman
Current opinion in neurobiology 17 (2), 220-227, 2007
Specialization in the medial temporal lobe for processing of objects and scenes
ACH Lee, MJ Buckley, SJ Pegman, H Spiers, VL Scahill, D Gaffan, ...
Hippocampus 15 (6), 782-797, 2005
Dissociable components of rule-guided behavior depend on distinct medial and prefrontal regions
MJ Buckley, FA Mansouri, H Hoda, M Mahboubi, PGF Browning, SC Kwok, ...
Science 325 (5936), 52-58, 2009
A role for the macaque anterior cingulate gyrus in social valuation
PH Rudebeck, MJ Buckley, ME Walton, MFS Rushworth
Science 313 (5791), 1310-1312, 2006
Selective perceptual impairments after perirhinal cortex ablation
MJ Buckley, MCA Booth, ET Rolls, D Gaffan
Journal of Neuroscience 21 (24), 9824-9836, 2001
Managing competing goals—a key role for the frontopolar cortex
FA Mansouri, E Koechlin, MGP Rosa, MJ Buckley
Nature Reviews Neuroscience 18 (11), 645-657, 2017
Perirhinal cortex ablation impairs visual object identification
MJ Buckley, D Gaffan
Journal of Neuroscience 18 (6), 2268-2275, 1998
Impairment of visual object-discrimination learning after perirhinal cortex ablation.
MJ Buckley, D Gaffan
Behavioral neuroscience 111 (3), 467, 1997
Mnemonic function of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in conflict-induced behavioral adjustment
FA Mansouri, MJ Buckley, K Tanaka
Science 318 (5852), 987-990, 2007
Functional double dissociation between two inferior temporal cortical areas: perirhinal cortex versus middle temporal gyrus
MJ Buckley, D Gaffan, EA Murray
Journal of neurophysiology 77 (2), 587-598, 1997
Differentiating the roles of the hippocampus and perirhinal cortex in processes beyond long-term declarative memory: a double dissociation in dementia
ACH Lee, MJ Buckley, D Gaffan, T Emery, JR Hodges, KS Graham
Journal of Neuroscience 26 (19), 5198-5203, 2006
Perirhinal cortex ablation impairs configural learning and paired–associate learning equally
MJ Buckley, D Gaffan
Neuropsychologia 36 (6), 535-546, 1998
Perirhinal cortical contributions to object perception
MJ Buckley, D Gaffan
Trends in cognitive sciences 10 (3), 100-107, 2006
The role of the perirhinal cortex and hippocampus in learning, memory, and perception
MJ Buckley
The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section B 58 (3-4b), 246-268, 2005
Brain localization of memory chunks in chessplayers
G Campitelli, F Gobet, K Head, M Buckley, A Parker
International Journal of Neuroscience 117 (12), 1641-1659, 2007
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Articles 1–20