Dulal Saha, PhD.
Dulal Saha, PhD.
Advanced Cell Engineer at General Motors
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Microstructure-properties correlation in fiber laser welding of dual-phase and HSLA steels
DC Saha, D Westerbaan, SS Nayak, E Biro, AP Gerlich, Y Zhou
Materials Science and Engineering: A 607, 445-453, 2014
Effects of tempering mode on the structural changes of martensite
DC Saha, E Biro, AP Gerlich, Y Zhou
Materials Science and Engineering: A 673, 467-475, 2016
Microstructure and mechanical properties of fibre laser welded medium manganese TRIP steel
N Lun, DC Saha, A Macwan, H Pan, L Wang, F Goodwin, Y Zhou
Materials & Design 131, 450-459, 2017
Heat-affected zone liquation crack on resistance spot welded TWIP steels
DC Saha, IS Chang, YD Park
Materials Characterization 93, 40-51, 2014
Fusion zone microstructure evolution of fiber laser welded press-hardened steels
DC Saha, E Biro, AP Gerlich, NY Zhou
Scripta Materialia 121, 18-22, 2016
Weldability Evaluation and Microstructure Analysis of ResistanceSpotWelded HighMn Steel in Automotive Application
DC Saha, S Han, KG Chin, I Choi, YD Park
Steel research international 83 (4), 352-357, 2012
Fiber Laser Welding of Al-Si-Coated Press-Hardened Steel
DC Saha, E Biro, AP Gerlich, YN Zhou
WELDING JOURNAL 95 (05), 147-s - 156-s, 2016
Heat input, intermetallic compounds and mechanical properties of Al/steel cold metal transfer joints
J Yang, A Hu, Y Li, P Zhang, DC Saha, Z Yu
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 272, 40-46, 2019
Metallographic and fracture characteristics of resistance spot welded TWIP steels
DC Saha, Y Cho, YD Park
Science and Technology of Welding & Joining 18 (8), 711-720, 2013
Martensite tempering kinetics: effects of dislocation density and heating rates
DC Saha, E Biro, AP Gerlich, Y Zhou
Materials Characterization 168, 110564, 2020
Coating behaviour and nugget formation during resistance welding of hot forming steels
DC Saha, CW Ji, YD Park
Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 20 (8), 708-720, 2015
Mechanism of secondary hardening in rapid tempering of dual-phase steel
DC Saha, SS Nayak, E Biro, AP Gerlich, Y Zhou
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 45, 6153-6162, 2014
Microstructure and mechanical properties of plasma transferred wire arc spray coating on aluminum cylinder bores
J Zhang, DC Saha, H Jahed
Surface and Coatings Technology 426, 127757, 2021
Influences of blocky retained austenite on the heat-affected zone softening of dual-phase steels
DC Saha, E Biro, AP Gerlich, Y Zhou
Materials Letters 264, 127368, 2020
Tensile and Fatigue Properties of Single and Multiple Dissimilar Welded Joints of DP980 and HSLA
DLC Q. L. Cui, D. Parkes, D. Westerbaan, S. S. Nayak, Y. Zhou, D. C. Saha, D ...
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2017
A review on Al-Al/Al-steel resistance spot welding technologies for light weight vehicles
DC Saha, YD Park
대한용접· 접합학회지 29 (4), 35-40, 2011
Weldability and liquation cracking characteristics on resistance-spot-welded high-Mn austenitic steel
DC Saha, YD Park
Trends in Welding Research 2012: Proceedings of the 9th International …, 2013
Pre-coated steel sheet comprising an additional coating for increasing the mechanical strength of the weld metal zone of a welded steel part prepared from said pre-coated sheet
YN Zhou, DC Saha, E Biro, A Macwan, AP Gerlich, S Khan
WO Patent 130,602, 2021
Antiviral and Antibacterial Cold Spray Coating Application on Rubber Substrate, Disruption in Disease Transmission Chain
DC Saha, SJ Boegel, S Tanvir, CL Nogueira, MG Aucoin, WA Anderson, ...
Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 32 (4), 818-830, 2023
Microstructure and interfacial bonding evolution of cold spray deposited graphene-reinforced composite feedstock on AZ80 magnesium substrate
DC Saha, JVSN Sripada, GC Saha, H Jahed
Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 32 (4), 984-1001, 2023
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