Nanbo Sun
Nanbo Sun
NUS Clinical Imaging Research Centre, Singapore, Singapore, Department of Electrical and Computer
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Cited by
Spatial topography of individual-specific cortical networks predicts human cognition, personality, and emotion
R Kong, J Li, C Orban, MR Sabuncu, H Liu, A Schaefer, N Sun, XN Zuo, ...
Cerebral cortex 29 (6), 2533-2551, 2019
Global signal regression strengthens association between resting-state functional connectivity and behavior
J Li, R Kong, R Liégeois, C Orban, Y Tan, N Sun, AJ Holmes, ...
NeuroImage 196, 126-141, 2019
Somatosensory-motor dysconnectivity spans multiple transdiagnostic dimensions of psychopathology
V Kebets, AJ Holmes, C Orban, S Tang, J Li, N Sun, R Kong, RA Poldrack, ...
Biological psychiatry 86 (10), 779-791, 2019
Bayesian model reveals latent atrophy factors with dissociable cognitive trajectories in Alzheimer’s disease
X Zhang, EC Mormino, N Sun, RA Sperling, MR Sabuncu, BTT Yeo, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (42), E6535-E6544, 2016
Reconciling dimensional and categorical models of autism heterogeneity: a brain connectomics and behavioral study
S Tang, N Sun, DL Floris, X Zhang, A Di Martino, BTT Yeo
Biological psychiatry 87 (12), 1071-1082, 2020
The alzheimer's disease prediction of longitudinal evolution (TADPOLE) challenge: Results after 1 year follow-up
RV Marinescu, NP Oxtoby, AL Young, EE Bron, AW Toga, MW Weiner, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.03419, 2020
Modeling Alzheimer’s disease progression using deep recurrent neural networks
M Nguyen, N Sun, DC Alexander, J Feng, BTT Yeo
2018 International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Neuroimaging (PRNI), 1-4, 2018
Multi-modal latent factor exploration of atrophy, cognitive and tau heterogeneity in Alzheimer’s disease
N Sun, EC Mormino, J Chen, MR Sabuncu, BTT Yeo, ...
Neuroimage 201, 116043, 2019
Iterative CBCT reconstruction using Hessian penalty
T Sun, N Sun, J Wang, S Tan
Physics in Medicine & Biology 60 (5), 1965, 2015
Latent atrophy factors related to phenotypical variants of posterior cortical atrophy
C Groot, BTT Yeo, JW Vogel, X Zhang, N Sun, EC Mormino, ...
Neurology 95 (12), e1672-e1685, 2020
Under review
JH Liu, SY Choi, IC Lee, AK Leung, M Lee, MH Lin, D Hodgetts, SX Chen
Behavioral evidence for global consciousness transcending national parochialism, 2013
Initiative, the ADN, 2016. Bayesian model reveals latent atrophy factors with dissociable cognitive trajectories in Alzheimer’s disease
X Zhang, EC Mormino, N Sun, RA Sperling, MR Sabuncu, BTT Yeo
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci 113, E6535-E6544, 0
Structure-adaptive CBCT reconstruction using weighted total variation and Hessian penalties
Q Shi, N Sun, T Sun, J Wang, S Tan
Biomedical optics express 7 (9), 3299-3322, 2016
Spatial Topography of Individual-Specific Cortical Networks Predicts Human Cognition
R Kong, J Li, N Sun, MR Sabuncu, H Liu, A Schaefer, XN Zuo, A Holmes, ...
Personality and Emotion. bioRxiv 213041, 2018
Corrigendum to: Spatial Topography of Individual-Specific Cortical Networks Predicts Human Cognition, Personality and Emotion
R Kong, J Li, C Orban, MR Sabuncu, H Liu, A Schaefer, N Sun, XN Zuo, ...
Cerebral Cortex 31 (8), 3974-3974, 2021
CBCT reconstruction via a penalty combining total variation and its higher-degree term
N Sun, T Sun, J Wang, S Tan
Medical Imaging 2015: Physics of Medical Imaging 9412, 952-960, 2015
Global signal regression strengthens associations between behavior and resting-state fMRI
J Li, R Kong, N Sun, A Holmes, M Sabuncu, BTT Yeo
The Organization for Human Brain Mapping Conference, Vancouver, Canada, 2017
Eickhoff SBet al.. 2019
R Kong, J Li, C Orban, MR Sabuncu, H Liu, A Schaefer, N Sun, XN Zuo, ...
Spatial topography of individual-specific cortical networks predicts human …, 0
Data-driven detection of latent atrophy factors related to phenotypical variants of posterior cortical atrophy
C Groot, BTT Yeo, JW Vogel, X Zhang, N Sun, EC Mormino, ...
bioRxiv, 679225, 2019
Controlling for Intra-Subject and Inter-Subject Variability in Individual-Specific Cortical Network Parcellations
R Kong, J Li, N Sun, MR Sabuncu, A Schaefer, XN Zuo, AJ Holmes, ...
bioRxiv, 213041, 2017
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Articles 1–20