Johannes Häußler
Johannes Häußler
Student of Computer and Information Science, University of Konstanz
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Cited by
Cited by
Visual soccer analytics: Understanding the characteristics of collective team movement based on feature-driven analysis and abstraction
M Stein, J Häußler, D Jäckle, H Janetzko, T Schreck, DA Keim
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 4 (4), 2159-2184, 2015
CourtTime: Generating actionable insights into tennis matches using visual analytics
T Polk, D Jäckle, J Häußler, J Yang
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 26 (1), 397-406, 2019
Visual analysis of spatio-temporal event predictions: Investigating the spread dynamics of invasive species
D Seebacher, J Häußler, M Hundt, M Stein, H Müller, U Engelke, DA Keim
IEEE Transactions on Big Data 7 (3), 497-509, 2018
Analyzing visual mappings of traditional and alternative music notation
M Miller, J Häußler, M Kraus, D Keim, M El-Assady
arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.10814, 2018
Visual analytics and similarity search: concepts and challenges for effective retrieval considering users, tasks, and data
D Seebacher, J Häußler, M Stein, H Janetzko, T Schreck, DA Keim
Similarity Search and Applications: 10th International Conference, SISAP …, 2017
Visual analysis of urban traffic data based on high-resolution and high-dimensional environmental sensor data
J Häußler, M Stein, D Seebacher, H Janetzko, T Schreck, DA Keim
Virtualized Rich Multimedia Clients the Novel Enabler for a New NGN Service Delivery Concept
MQ Kuhnen, F Marmori, A Schülke, J Häussler, H Kornmayer, M Kraus
2010 IEEE International Conference on Communications, 1-5, 2010
Visual Soccer Analytics
M Stein, J Häußler, D Jäckle, H Janetzko, T Schreck, DA Keim, Y Dubois
Possible Future Revenue Creation Through IMS Service Enablers.
J Häussler, A Schülke, MQ Kuhnen, J Bauknecht
INC, 71-74, 2010
2017 IEEE Visualization in Data Science (VDS)
D Seebacher, J Häußler, M Hundt, M Stein, H Mülller, U Engelke, ...
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Articles 1–10