Ramin Saedi
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Cited by
Estimating network travel time reliability with network partitioning
R Saedi, M Saeedmanesh, A Zockaie, M Saberi, N Geroliminis, ...
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 112, 46-61, 2020
A resource allocation problem to estimate network fundamental diagram in heterogeneous networks: Optimal locating of fixed measurement points and sampling of probe trajectories
A Zockaie, M Saberi, R Saedi
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 86, 245-262, 2018
Impacts of connected and autonomous vehicles on traffic flow with heterogeneous drivers spatially distributed over large-scale networks
F Fakhrmoosavi, R Saedi, A Zockaie, A Talebpour
Transportation research record 2674 (10), 817-830, 2020
Comparison of support vector and non-linear regression models for estimating large-scale vehicular emissions, incorporating network-wide fundamental diagram for heterogeneous …
R Saedi, R Verma, A Zockaie, M Ghamami, TJ Gates
Transportation Research Record 2674 (5), 70-84, 2020
Using analytic hierarchy/network process (AHP/ANP) in developing countries: shortcomings and suggestions
N Khademi, K Behnia, R Saedi
The Engineering Economist 59 (1), 2-29, 2014
Travel time cognition: Exploring the impacts of travel information provision strategies
R Saedi, N Khademi
Travel Behaviour and Society 14, 92-106, 2019
Traffic state estimation in heterogeneous networks with stochastic demand and supply: Mixed lagrangian–eulerian approach
M Kavianipour, R Saedi, A Zockaie, M Saberi
Transportation Research Record 2673 (11), 114-126, 2019
Safety performance functions for low-volume rural stop-controlled intersections
SY Stapleton, TJ Gates, R Avelar, SR Geedipally, R Saedi
Transportation research record 2673 (5), 660-669, 2019
Latent learning and the formation of a spatiotemporal cognitive map of a road network
N Khademi, R Saedi
Travel Behaviour and Society 14, 66-80, 2019
A framework for incorporating the network-wide fundamental diagram into large-scale emission estimation
R Saedi, R Verma, A Zockaie, M Ghamami, T Gates
Journal of Transport & Health 9, S54-S55, 2018
Evaluation of a Collision Avoidance and Mitigation System (CAMS) on Winter Maintenance Trucks
A Zockaie, R Saedi, TJ Gates, PT Savolainen, B Schneider, M Ghamami, ...
Michigan. Dept. of Transportation. Research Administration, 2018
Developing car-following models for winter maintenance operations incorporating machine learning methods
E Kamjoo, R Saedi, A Zockaie, M Ghamami, T Gates, A Talebpour
Transportation research record 2677 (2), 519-540, 2023
Behavioral analysis of drivers following winter maintenance trucks enabled with collision avoidance system
R Verma, R Saedi, A Zockaie, TJ Gates
Transportation research record 2673 (10), 394-404, 2019
Improving network travel time reliability estimation with network partitioning
R Saedi, M Saeedmanesh, A Zockaie, M Saberi, N Geroliminis, ...
97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2018
Smart City: A Mobility Technology Adoption Framework Incorporating Surface-Level Technical Analysis
F Jazlan, R Saedi, A Zockaie, M Ghamami, M Boucher, H Tuydes-Yaman, ...
Current Urban Studies 10 (3), 381-404, 2022
Effectiveness of green warning lights with different flashing patterns for winter maintenance operations
F Fakhrmoosavi, R Saedi, F Jazlan, A Zockaie, M Ghamami, TJ Gates, ...
Transportation research record 2675 (9), 1505-1521, 2021
Effectiveness of Green Strobes on Winter Maintenance Vehicles and Equipment
A Zockaie, R Saedi, F Fakhrmoosavi, F Jazlan, M Ghamami, T Gates, ...
Michigan. Dept. of Transportation. Research Administration, 2020
Activity-travel analysis of women in a patriarchal society with strong gender norms
MA Arman, N Khademi, M Lapparent, R Saedi
Proceedings of Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting (TRB Annual Meeting), 2019
Getting Knowledge without Through Experiencing: Exploring the Phenomena of Driver’s Latent Learning
N Khademi, R Saedi
Transportation Research Board 98th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2019
Exploring the Impact of Travel Information Provision Strategies on Travel Time Cognition
R Saedi, N Khademi
Transportation Research Board 98th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2019
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Articles 1–20