Large-scale brain networks emerge from dynamic processing of musical timbre, key and rhythm V Alluri, P Toiviainen, IP Jääskeläinen, E Glerean, M Sams, E Brattico Neuroimage 59 (4), 3677-3689, 2012 | 522 | 2012 |
A functional MRI study of happy and sad emotions in music with and without lyrics E Brattico, V Alluri, B Bogert, T Jacobsen, N Vartiainen, S Nieminen, ... Frontiers in psychology 2, 308, 2011 | 368 | 2011 |
It's sad but I like it: The neural dissociation between musical emotions and liking in experts and laypersons E Brattico, B Bogert, V Alluri, M Tervaniemi, T Eerola, T Jacobsen Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9, 156454, 2016 | 200 | 2016 |
Exploring perceptual and acoustical correlates of polyphonic timbre V Alluri, P Toiviainen Music Perception 27 (3), 223-242, 2010 | 187 | 2010 |
Timbre and affect dimensions: Evidence from affect and similarity ratings and acoustic correlates of isolated instrument sounds T Eerola, R Ferrer, V Alluri Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal 30 (1), 49-70, 2012 | 181 | 2012 |
Connectivity patterns during music listening: Evidence for action‐based processing in musicians V Alluri, P Toiviainen, I Burunat, M Kliuchko, P Vuust, E Brattico Human Brain Mapping 38 (6), 2955-2970, 2017 | 123 | 2017 |
Capturing the musical brain with Lasso: Dynamic decoding of musical features from fMRI data P Toiviainen, V Alluri, E Brattico, M Wallentin, P Vuust Neuroimage 88, 170-180, 2014 | 120 | 2014 |
From Vivaldi to Beatles and back: predicting lateralized brain responses to music V Alluri, P Toiviainen, TE Lund, M Wallentin, P Vuust, AK Nandi, ... Neuroimage 83, 627-636, 2013 | 113 | 2013 |
Dynamics of brain activity underlying working memory for music in a naturalistic condition I Burunat, V Alluri, P Toiviainen, J Numminen, E Brattico cortex 57, 254-269, 2014 | 99 | 2014 |
Linking brain responses to naturalistic music through analysis of ongoing EEG and stimulus features F Cong, V Alluri, AK Nandi, P Toiviainen, R Fa, B Abu-Jamous, L Gong, ... IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 15 (5), 1060-1069, 2013 | 82 | 2013 |
Event-related brain responses while listening to entire pieces of music H Poikonen, V Alluri, E Brattico, O Lartillot, M Tervaniemi, M Huotilainen Neuroscience 312, 58-73, 2016 | 74 | 2016 |
Musical expertise modulates functional connectivity of limbic regions during continuous music listening. V Alluri, E Brattico, P Toiviainen, I Burunat, B Bogert, J Numminen, ... Psychomusicology: Music, Mind, and Brain 25 (4), 443, 2015 | 72 | 2015 |
Emotions of music listening in Finland and in India: Comparison of an individualistic and a collectivistic culture S Saarikallio, V Alluri, J Maksimainen, P Toiviainen Psychology of Music 49 (4), 989-1005, 2021 | 57 | 2021 |
Transformer-based approach towards music emotion recognition from lyrics Y Agrawal, RGR Shanker, V Alluri European conference on information retrieval, 167-175, 2021 | 57 | 2021 |
The chronnectome of musical beat P Toiviainen, I Burunat, E Brattico, P Vuust, V Alluri Neuroimage 216, 116191, 2020 | 56 | 2020 |
The reliability of continuous brain responses during naturalistic listening to music I Burunat, P Toiviainen, V Alluri, B Bogert, T Ristaniemi, M Sams, ... NeuroImage 124, 224-231, 2016 | 55 | 2016 |
Identifying musical pieces from fMRI data using encoding and decoding models S Hoefle, A Engel, R Basilio, V Alluri, P Toiviainen, M Cagy, J Moll Scientific reports 8 (1), 2266, 2018 | 38 | 2018 |
Key issues in decomposing fMRI during naturalistic and continuous music experience with independent component analysis F Cong, T Puoliväli, V Alluri, T Sipola, I Burunat, P Toiviainen, AK Nandi, ... Journal of Neuroscience Methods 223, 74-84, 2014 | 34 | 2014 |
Effect of enculturation on the semantic and acoustic correlates of polyphonic timbre V Alluri, P Toiviainen Music Perception 29 (3), 297-310, 2011 | 34 | 2011 |
Feeling moved by music: Investigating continuous ratings and acoustic correlates JK Vuoskoski, JH Zickfeld, V Alluri, V Moorthigari, B Seibt PLoS One 17 (1), e0261151, 2022 | 29 | 2022 |