Chelsea M Coe
Cited by
Cited by
The politics of beauty: The effects of partisan bias on physical attractiveness
SP Nicholson, CM Coe, J Emory, AV Song
Political Behavior 38, 883-898, 2016
Monster wildfires and metaphor in risk communication
T Matlock, C Coe, AL Westerling
Metaphor and Symbol 32 (4), 250-261, 2017
The physiology of framing effects: Threat sensitivity and the persuasiveness of political arguments
CM Coe, KS Canelo, K Vue, MV Hibbing, SP Nicholson
The Journal of Politics 79 (4), 1465-1468, 2017
Linguistic complexity, information processing, and public acceptance of supreme court decisions
TG Hansford, C Coe
Political Psychology 40 (2), 395-412, 2019
The nature of party categories in two‐party and multiparty systems
SP Nicholson, CJ Carman, CM Coe, A Feeney, B Fehér, BK Hayes, ...
Political Psychology 39, 279-304, 2018
Political psychophysiology: A primer for interested researchers and consumers
JE Settle, MV Hibbing, NM Anspach, TN Carlson, CM Coe, E Hernandez, ...
Politics and the Life Sciences 39 (1), 101-117, 2020
Linguistic Complexity and Public Acceptance of Supreme Court Decisions
TG Hansford, C Coe
Washington, DC: AMAPSA, 2014
Tell me lies: Fake news, source cues, and partisan motivated reasoning
CM Coe
University of California, Merced, 2018
ARGUMENT IS WAR Metaphors in Current Politics
C Coe, B Winter
University, 2014
Devoutness to Islam and the Attitudinal Acceptance of Political Violence Among Young Muslims in Germany Andreas Hadjar, David Schiefer, Klaus Boehnke, Wolfgang Frindte, and …
MH White II, NR Branscombe, UKH Ecker, LC Ang, T Molendijk, ...
Violence Metaphors in Presidential Debates
C Coe, T Bergmann, T Matlock
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 37, 2015
How motion metaphors drive political races
T Matlock, M Perlman, M Fleming, C Coe
Matching Red and Blue: Partisan Intensity, Composition &" Potential Outcomes
K Canelo, C Coe, A Theodoridis
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Articles 1–13