James Mazer
James Mazer
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α2A-adrenoceptors strengthen working memory networks by inhibiting cAMP-HCN channel signaling in prefrontal cortex
M Wang, BP Ramos, CD Paspalas, Y Shu, A Simen, A Duque, ...
Cell 129 (2), 397-410, 2007
NMDA receptors subserve persistent neuronal firing during working memory in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
M Wang, Y Yang, CJ Wang, NJ Gamo, LE Jin, JA Mazer, JH Morrison, ...
Neuron 77 (4), 736-749, 2013
Neuronal basis of age-related working memory decline
M Wang, NJ Gamo, Y Yang, LE Jin, XJ Wang, M Laubach, JA Mazer, ...
Nature 476 (7359), 210-213, 2011
Spatial frequency and orientation tuning dynamics in area V1
JA Mazer, WE Vinje, J McDermott, PH Schiller, JL Gallant
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99 (3), 1645-1650, 2002
Goal-related activity in V4 during free viewing visual search: evidence for a ventral stream visual salience map
JA Mazer, JL Gallant
Neuron 40 (6), 1241-1250, 2003
Synaptic and network mechanisms of sparse and reliable visual cortical activity during nonclassical receptive field stimulation
B Haider, MR Krause, A Duque, Y Yu, J Touryan, JA Mazer, ...
Neuron 65 (1), 107-121, 2010
A human extrastriate area functionally homologous to macaque V4
JL Gallant, RE Shoup, JA Mazer
Neuron 27 (2), 227-235, 2000
The native coordinate system of spatial attention is retinotopic
JD Golomb, MM Chun, JA Mazer
Journal of Neuroscience 28 (42), 10654-10662, 2008
Attention to stimulus features shifts spectral tuning of V4 neurons during natural vision
SV David, BY Hayden, JA Mazer, JL Gallant
Neuron 59 (3), 509-521, 2008
Sparse coding in striate and extrastriate visual cortex
BDB Willmore, JA Mazer, JL Gallant
Journal of neurophysiology 105 (6), 2907-2919, 2011
Attentional facilitation throughout human visual cortex lingers in retinotopic coordinates after eye movements
JD Golomb, AY Nguyen-Phuc, JA Mazer, G McCarthy, MM Chun
Journal of Neuroscience 30 (31), 10493-10506, 2010
Surround suppression and sparse coding in visual and barrel cortices
RNS Sachdev, MR Krause, JA Mazer
Frontiers in neural circuits 6, 43, 2012
How the owl resolves auditory coding ambiguity
JA Mazer
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 95 (18), 10932-10937, 1998
Robustness of the retinotopic attentional trace after eye movements
JD Golomb, VZ Pulido, AR Albrecht, MM Chun, JA Mazer
Journal of Vision 10 (3), 19-19, 2010
Perisaccadic updating of visual representations and attentional states: linking behavior and neurophysiology
AC Marino, JA Mazer
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 10, 3, 2016
Attention doesn’t slide: spatiotopic updating after eye movements instantiates a new, discrete attentional locus
JD Golomb, AC Marino, MM Chun, JA Mazer
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 73, 7-14, 2011
Spatial attention, feature-based attention, and saccades: three sides of one coin?
JA Mazer
Biological psychiatry 69 (12), 1147-1152, 2011
Response properties of neurons in the core of the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus of the barn owl
H Wagner, JA Mazer, M Von Campenhausen
European Journal of Neuroscience 15 (8), 1343-1352, 2002
Core differences in synaptic signaling between primary visual and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
ST Yang, M Wang, CD Paspalas, JL Crimins, MT Altman, JA Mazer, ...
Cerebral Cortex 28 (4), 1458-1471, 2018
Saccades trigger predictive updating of attentional topography in area V4
AC Marino, JA Mazer
Neuron 98 (2), 429-438. e4, 2018
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Articles 1–20