Diego F. Leal
Diego F. Leal
Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Arizona
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Cited by
What is (n’t) a friend? Dimensions of the friendship concept among adolescents
JA Kitts, DF Leal
Social Networks 66, 161-170, 2021
Global dynamics of international migration systems across South–South, North–North, and North–South flows, 1990–2015
DF Leal, NL Harder
Applied Network Science 6, 1-27, 2021
El futuro del aprendizaje en línea: diez años después
S Downes, D Leal
Recuperado de http://www. downes. ca/cgi-bin/page. cgi, 2014-2030, 2009
Gender and reproductive labor migration in Asia, 1960–2000
RS Malhotra, J Misra, DF Leal
International Journal of Sociology 46 (2), 114-140, 2016
Network Inequalities and International Migration in the Americas
DF Leal
American Journal of Sociology 126 (5), 1067-1126, 2021
Tanques de pensamiento y partidos politicos en Colombia. El caso de la reformas constitucionales de 2003 y 2009
DF Leal, D Roll
Ciencia Politica 8 (16), 89-112, 2013
Visualizing Feminized International Migration Flows in the 1990s
DF Leal, RS Malhotra, J Misra
Socius 5, 1-3, 2019
Migración, Codesarrollo y Capital Social
D RoLL, DF Leal
Colombia Internacional, 87-108, 2010
Migration networks and the intensity of global migration flows, 1990–2015
DF Leal, NL Harder
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 49 (2), 445-464, 2023
Is having an educationally diverse social network good for health?
MC Pachucki, DF Leal
Network Science 8 (3), 418-444, 2020
Well-being, social capital and international migration. The case of the Latin American and Andean Spain
D Leal
Migraciones. Publicación del Instituto Universitario de Estudios sobre …, 2014
Mass Transit Shutdowns as a Tactical Innovation in Bogotá, Colombia
DF Leal
Social Currents, 2020
Greed and fear in network reciprocity: implications for cooperation among organizations
JA Kitts, DF Leal, W Felps, TM Jones, SL Berman
Plos one 11 (2), e0147264, 2016
¿ Cómo surgio la España Latinoamericana y andina en 11 años de migraciones?: Bases para un esquema explicativo desde el bienestar
DF Leal, D Roll
Ciencia Política 5 (9), 35-61, 2010
Status and collaboration: The case of pro bono network inequalities in corporate law
DF Leal, A Paik, SA Boutcher
Social Science Research 84, 102325, 2019
La diáspora latinoamericana a España 1997 2007: Incógnitas y realidades
EJC Roll, D, Robayo, MC, Leal, DF, Serrano, E, Gomez, J
Editorial Universidad del Rosario, 2014
El programa colombiano de uso de medios y tecnologías de información y comunicación: 2002-2010
D Leal
Sistematizando evidencias de migración y bienestar
D Roll, DF Leal
La diáspora latinoamericana a España, 79-106, 2007
Monitores Líderes: Una estrategia para la gestión TIC en instituciones educativas
E Morales, D Leal, G Quintero
Enforced Disappearance as a Border Management Tool: The Case of Border Patrol Detentions of Immigrant and Asylum-Seeking Families in the United States
DF Leal, NL Cadwalader
Journal on Migration and Human Security, 1-23, 2024
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Articles 1–20