Richard Hawkins
Richard Hawkins
Senior Research Fellow, Department of Computer Science, The University of York
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Cited by
A new approach to creating clear safety arguments
R Hawkins, T Kelly, J Knight, P Graydon
Advances in Systems Safety: Proceedings of the Nineteenth Safety-Critical …, 2011
Deep reinforcement learning for drone navigation using sensor data
VJ Hodge, R Hawkins, R Alexander
Neural Computing and Applications 33 (6), 2015-2033, 2021
Assurance cases and prescriptive software safety certification: A comparative study
R Hawkins, I Habli, T Kelly, J McDermid
Safety science 59, 55-71, 2013
Weaving an assurance case from design: a model-based approach
R Hawkins, I Habli, D Kolovos, R Paige, T Kelly
2015 IEEE 16th International Symposium on High Assurance Systems Engineering …, 2015
Guidance on the assurance of machine learning in autonomous systems (AMLAS)
R Hawkins, C Paterson, C Picardi, Y Jia, R Calinescu, I Habli
arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.01564, 2021
Model based system assurance using the structured assurance case metamodel
R Wei, TP Kelly, X Dai, S Zhao, R Hawkins
Journal of Systems and Software 154, 211-233, 2019
Arguing conformance
P Graydon, I Habli, R Hawkins, T Kelly, J Knight
IEEE software 29 (3), 50-57, 2012
Security assurance cases: motivation and the state of the art
R Alexander, R Hawkins, T Kelly
High Integrity Systems Engineering Department of Computer Science University …, 2011
A contract-based approach to designing safe systems
I Bate, R Hawkins, J McDermid
Proceedings of the 8th Australian workshop on Safety critical systems and …, 2003
The who, where, how, why and when of modular and incremental certification
JL Fenn, RD Hawkins, PJ Williams, TP Kelly, MG Banner, Y Oakshott
2007 2nd Institution of Engineering and Technology International Conference …, 2007
Challenges of safety assurance for industry 4.0
O Jaradat, I Sljivo, I Habli, R Hawkins
2017 13th European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC), 103-106, 2017
The Observations of Sir Richard Hawkins
R Hawkins, JA Williamson
(No Title), 1970
Using a software safety argument pattern catalogue: Two case studies
R Hawkins, K Clegg, R Alexander, T Kelly
Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security: 30th International Conference …, 2011
Assuring the safety of machine learning for pedestrian detection at crossings
L Gauerhof, R Hawkins, C Picardi, C Paterson, Y Hagiwara, I Habli
Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security: 39th International Conference …, 2020
Safety case composition using contracts-refinements based on feedback from an industrial case study
J Fenn, R Hawkins, P Williams, T Kelly
The Safety of Systems: Proceedings of the Fifteenth Safety-critical Systems …, 2007
A pattern for arguing the assurance of machine learning in medical diagnosis systems
C Picardi, R Hawkins, C Paterson, I Habli
Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security: 38th International Conference …, 2019
The principles of software safety assurance
R Hawkins, I Habli, T Kelly
31st International System Safety Conference, 12-16, 2013
Defence standard 00-56 issue 4: Towards evidence-based safety standards
C Menon, R Hawkins, J McDermid
Safety-Critical Systems: Problems, Process and Practice: Proceedings of the …, 2009
Confidence arguments for evidence of performance in machine learning for highly automated driving functions
S Burton, L Gauerhof, BB Sethy, I Habli, R Hawkins
Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security: SAFECOMP 2019 Workshops, ASSURE …, 2019
A software safety argument pattern catalogue
R Hawkins, T Kelly
The University of York, York 30, 2013
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Articles 1–20