Eli Levenson-Falk
Eli Levenson-Falk
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Distinct signatures for Coulomb blockade and Aharonov-Bohm interference in electronic Fabry-Perot interferometers
Y Zhang, DT McClure, EM Levenson-Falk, CM Marcus, LN Pfeiffer, ...
Physical Review B 79 (24), 241304, 2009
Edge-state velocity and coherence in a quantum Hall Fabry-Pérot interferometer
DT McClure, Y Zhang, B Rosenow, EM Levenson-Falk, CM Marcus, ...
Physical review letters 103 (20), 206806, 2009
Fractional quantum Hall effect in a quantum point contact at filling fraction 5/2
JB Miller, IP Radu, DM Zumbühl, EM Levenson-Falk, MA Kastner, ...
Nature Physics 3 (8), 561-565, 2007
Suppression of crosstalk in superconducting qubits using dynamical decoupling
V Tripathi, H Chen, M Khezri, KW Yip, EM Levenson-Falk, DA Lidar
Physical Review Applied 18 (2), 024068, 2022
Anomalous thermal diffusivity in underdoped YBa2Cu3O6+ x
J Zhang, EM Levenson-Falk, BJ Ramshaw, DA Bonn, R Liang, WN Hardy, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (21), 5378-5383, 2017
Progress on the ARIADNE axion experiment
AA Geraci for the ARIADNE Collaboration ageraci@ unr. edu, ...
Microwave Cavities and Detectors for Axion Research: Proceedings of the 2nd …, 2018
Approaching ideal weak link behavior with three dimensional aluminum nanobridges
R Vijay, EM Levenson-Falk, DH Slichter, I Siddiqi
Applied Physics Letters 96 (22), 2010
Single-quasiparticle trapping in aluminum nanobridge Josephson junctions
EM Levenson-Falk, F Kos, R Vijay, L Glazman, I Siddiqi
Physical review letters 112 (4), 047002, 2014
High-efficiency measurement of an artificial atom embedded in a parametric amplifier
A Eddins, JM Kreikebaum, DM Toyli, EM Levenson-Falk, A Dove, ...
Physical Review X 9 (1), 011004, 2019
A dispersive nanoSQUID magnetometer for ultra-low noise, high bandwidth flux detection
EM Levenson-Falk, R Vijay, N Antler, I Siddiqi
Superconductor Science and Technology 26 (5), 055015, 2013
Nonlinear microwave response of aluminum weak-link Josephson oscillators
EM Levenson-Falk, R Vijay, I Siddiqi
Applied Physics Letters 98 (12), 2011
Thermal diffusivity above the Mott-Ioffe-Regel limit
J Zhang, ED Kountz, EM Levenson-Falk, D Song, RL Greene, A Kapitulnik
Physical Review B 100 (24), 241114, 2019
Predicting non-markovian superconducting-qubit dynamics from tomographic reconstruction
H Zhang, B Pokharel, EM Levenson-Falk, D Lidar
Physical Review Applied 17 (5), 054018, 2022
Polar Kerr Effect from Time-Reversal Symmetry Breaking in the Heavy-Fermion Superconductor
EM Levenson-Falk, ER Schemm, Y Aoki, MB Maple, A Kapitulnik
Physical Review Letters 120 (18), 187004, 2018
Dispersive nanoSQUID magnetometry
EM Levenson-Falk, N Antler, I Siddiqi
Superconductor Science and Technology 29 (11), 113003, 2016
1/f noise of Josephson-junction-embedded microwave resonators at single photon energies and millikelvin temperatures
KW Murch, SJ Weber, EM Levenson-Falk, R Vijay, I Siddiqi
Applied Physics Letters 100 (14), 2012
In-plane magnetic field tolerance of a dispersive aluminum nanobridge SQUID magnetometer
N Antler, EM Levenson-Falk, R Naik, YD Sun, A Narla, R Vijay, I Siddiqi
Applied Physics Letters 102 (23), 2013
Polar Kerr effect studies of time reversal symmetry breaking states in heavy fermion superconductors
ER Schemm, EM Levenson-Falk, A Kapitulnik
Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications 535, 13-19, 2017
Entanglement assisted probe of the non-Markovian to Markovian transition in open quantum system dynamics
C Gaikwad, D Kowsari, C Brame, X Song, H Zhang, M Esposito, ...
Physical Review Letters 132 (20), 200401, 2024
Quasiparticle Dynamics in Epitaxial - Planar Josephson Junctions
BH Elfeky, WM Strickland, J Lee, JT Farmer, S Shanto, A Zarassi, ...
PRX Quantum 4 (3), 030339, 2023
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Articles 1–20