romain raveaux
Cited by
Cited by
A survey on image-based insect classification
C Martineau, D Conte, R Raveaux, I Arnault, D Munier, G Venturini
Pattern Recognition 65, 273-284, 2017
An exact graph edit distance algorithm for solving pattern recognition problems
Z Abu-Aisheh, R Raveaux, JY Ramel, P Martineau
4th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods …, 2015
New binary linear programming formulation to compute the graph edit distance
J Lerouge, Z Abu-Aisheh, R Raveaux, P Héroux, S Adam
Pattern Recognition 72, 254-265, 2017
A graph matching method and a graph matching distance based on subgraph assignments
R Raveaux, JC Burie, JM Ogier
Pattern Recognition Letters 31 (5), 394-406, 2010
Structured representations in a content based image retrieval context
R Raveaux, JC Burie, JM Ogier
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 24 (8), 1252-1268, 2013
Graph edit distance contest: Results and future challenges
Z Abu-Aisheh, B Gaüzere, S Bougleux, JY Ramel, L Brun, R Raveaux, ...
Pattern Recognition Letters 100, 96-103, 2017
Efficient k-nearest neighbors search in graph space
Z Abu-Aisheh, R Raveaux, JY Ramel
Pattern Recognition Letters 134, 77-86, 2020
Learning graph prototypes for shape recognition
R Raveaux, S Adam, P Héroux, É Trupin
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 115 (7), 905-918, 2011
A graph database repository and performance evaluation metrics for graph edit distance
Z Abu-Aisheh, R Raveaux, JY Ramel
Graph-Based Representations in Pattern Recognition: 10th IAPR-TC-15 …, 2015
Report on the symbol recognition and spotting contest
E Valveny, M Delalandre, R Raveaux, B Lamiroy
Graphics Recognition. New Trends and Challenges: 9th International Workshop …, 2013
Image quality assessment based on regions of interest
A Alaei, R Raveaux, D Conte
Signal, Image and Video Processing 11, 673-680, 2017
Exact graph edit distance computation using a binary linear program
J Lerouge, Z Abu-Aisheh, R Raveaux, P Héroux, S Adam
Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition: Joint IAPR …, 2016
Learning error-correcting graph matching with a multiclass neural network
C Martineau, R Raveaux, D Conte, G Venturini
Pattern Recognition Letters 134, 68-76, 2020
A parallel graph edit distance algorithm
Z Abu-Aisheh, R Raveaux, JY Ramel, P Martineau
Expert Systems with Applications 94, 41-57, 2018
Object extraction from colour cadastral maps
R Raveaux, JC Burie, JM Ogier
2008 The Eighth IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems …, 2008
A local branching heuristic for solving a graph edit distance problem
M Darwiche, D Conte, R Raveaux, V t’Kindt
Computers & Operations Research 106, 225-235, 2019
Document image quality assessment based on improved gradient magnitude similarity deviation
A Alaei, D Conte, R Raveaux
2015 13th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition …, 2015
Anytime graph matching
Z Abu-Aisheh, R Raveaux, JY Ramel
Pattern Recognition Letters 84, 215-224, 2016
Blind document image quality prediction based on modification of quality aware clustering method integrating a patch selection strategy
A Alaei, D Conte, C Martineau, R Raveaux
Expert Systems with Applications 108, 183-192, 2018
Effective training of convolutional neural networks for insect image recognition
M Martineau, R Raveaux, C Chatelain, D Conte, G Venturini
Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems: 19th International …, 2018
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Articles 1–20