Monzilur Rahman
Monzilur Rahman
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Isolation and identification of oral bacteria and characterization for bacteriocin production and antimicrobial sensitivity
M Rahman, MN Islam, MN Islam, MS Hossain
Dhaka University Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 14 (1), 103-109, 2015
Simple transformations capture auditory input to cortex
M Rahman, BDB Willmore, AJ King, NS Harper
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2020
Efficiency of different DNA extraction methods for fish tissues: a comparative analysis
MM Chowdhury, AS Rahman, L Nahar, M Rahman, H Al Reza, ...
IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences 11 (3), 11-15, 2016
Two highly similar LAEDDTNAQKT and LTDKIGTEI epitopes in G glycoprotein may be useful for effective epitope based vaccine design against pathogenic Henipavirus
MM Parvege, M Rahman, YM Nibir, MS Hossain
Computational Biology and Chemistry 61, 270-280, 2016
A dynamic network model of temporal receptive fields in primary auditory cortex
M Rahman, BDB Willmore, AJ King, NS Harper
PLoS computational biology 15 (5), e1006618, 2019
Genome-wide Analysis of Mycoplasma hominis for the Identification of Putative Therapeutic Targets
MM Parvege, M Rahman, MS Hossain
Drug target insights 8, DTI. S19728, 2014
Isolation and Characterization of Multidrug Resistant Enterobacteriaceae in Urine Sample of Patients Suffering from Urinary Tract Infection with Diabetes and Nephropathy
N Ahsan, M Rahman, MN Islam, AA Akhand
Dhaka University Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 20 (1), 87-93, 2021
Modelling the neural coding of natural sounds in the auditory cortex
M Rahman
University of Oxford, 2021
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