Eric A. Fong
Eric A. Fong
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Cited by
Coercive citation in academic publishing
AW Wilhite, EA Fong
Science 335 (6068), 542-543, 2012
Authorship and citation manipulation in academic research
EA Fong, AW Wilhite
PloS one 12 (12), e0187394, 2017
The effect of CEO pay deviations on CEO withdrawal, firm size, and firm profits
EA Fong, VF Misangyi, HL Tosi
Strategic Management Journal 31 (6), 629-651, 2010
Effort, performance, and conscientiousness: An agency theory perspective
EA Fong, HL Tosi Jr
Journal of Management 33 (2), 161-179, 2007
Nurse Staffing Is an Important Strategy to Prevent Medication Errors in Community Hospitals.
KH Frith, EF Anderson, F Tseng, EA Fong
Nursing Economic$ 30 (5), 2012
Relative CEO underpayment and CEO behaviour towards R&D spending
EA Fong
Journal of Management Studies 47 (6), 1095-1122, 2010
Why do experts solve complex problems using open innovation? Evidence from the US pharmaceutical industry
Y Lee, E Fong, JB Barney, A Hawk
California Management Review 62 (1), 144-166, 2019
CEO pay fairness as a predictor of stakeholder management
EA Fong
Journal of Business Research 63 (4), 404-410, 2010
The influence of editorial decisions and the academic network on self-citations and journal impact factors
A Wilhite, EA Fong, S Wilhite
Research Policy 48 (6), 1513-1522, 2019
Consequences of deviating from predicted CEO labor market compensation on long-term firm value
EA Fong, X Xing, WH Orman, WI Mackenzie Jr
Journal of Business Research 68 (2), 299-305, 2015
Academic misconduct and criminal liability: Manipulating academic journal impact factors
CF Hickman, EA Fong, AW Wilhite, Y Lee
Science and Public Policy 46 (5), 661-667, 2019
Flexible new product development processes and appropriability: Intellectual property and first-mover
Y Lee, CS John, EA Fong, Y Bao
International Journal of Innovation Management 22 (01), 1850002, 2018
Accommodating coercion: authors, editors, and citations
EA Fong, R Patnayakuni, AW Wilhite
Research Policy 52 (5), 104754, 2023
The impact of diversifying and de novo firms on regional innovation performance in an emerging industry: a longitudinal study of the U.S. ethanol industry
Y Lee, EA Fong
Industry and Innovation 26 (7), 769-794, 2019
Strategic consensus of market orientation: a transitional economy perspective
Y Bao, E Fong, TD Landry, KZ Zhou
Journal of Strategic Marketing 23 (4), 364-378, 2015
The legal consequences of research misconduct: False investigators and grant proposals
EA Fong, AW Wilhite, C Hickman, Y Lee
The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 48 (2), 331-339, 2020
Coopetition and technology licensing partner selection
Y Lee, EA Fong, H Kim
Industrial Marketing Management 112, 60-70, 2023
The impact of false investigators on grant funding
EA Fong, AW Wilhite
Research Policy 50 (10), 104366, 2021
Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research Integrity: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. 31 May-3 June 2015
SP O’Brien, D Chan, F Leung, EJ Ko, JS Kwak, TH Gwon, JM Lee, ...
Research integrity and peer review 1, 1-56, 2016
Patent lifecycle management strategies in open innovation projects
Y Lee, EA Fong
Drug Discovery Today 25 (10), 1782-1785, 2020
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Articles 1–20