Robert Taylor
Robert Taylor
Professor of Condensed Matter Physics, University of Oxford
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Cited by
Time-resolved photoluminescence of two-dimensional hot carriers in GaAs-AlGaAs heterostructures
JF Ryan, RA Taylor, AJ Turberfield, A Maciel, JM Worlock, AC Gossard, ...
Physical review letters 53 (19), 1841, 1984
Photocatalytic water splitting by N-TiO2 on MgO (111) with exceptional quantum efficiencies at elevated temperatures
Y Li, YK Peng, L Hu, J Zheng, D Prabhakaran, S Wu, TJ Puchtler, M Li, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 4421, 2019
Perovskite: Scintillators, direct detectors, and X-ray imagers
A Jana, S Cho, SA Patil, A Meena, Y Jo, VG Sree, Y Park, H Kim, H Im, ...
Materials Today 55, 110-136, 2022
Room-temperature exciton-polaritons with two-dimensional WS2
LC Flatten, Z He, DM Coles, AAP Trichet, AW Powell, RA Taylor, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 33134, 2016
Creating diamond color centers for quantum optical applications
FC Waldermann, P Olivero, J Nunn, K Surmacz, ZY Wang, D Jaksch, ...
Diamond and Related Materials 16 (11), 1887-1895, 2007
InGaN quantum dots grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy employing a post-growth nitrogen anneal
RA Oliver, GAD Briggs, MJ Kappers, CJ Humphreys, S Yasin, JH Rice, ...
Applied Physics Letters 83 (4), 755-757, 2003
Resonant femtosecond emission from quantum well excitons: The role of Rayleigh scattering and luminescence
S Haacke, RA Taylor, R Zimmermann, I Bar-Joseph, B Deveaud
Physical review letters 78 (11), 2228, 1997
Strong coupling between chlorosomes of photosynthetic bacteria and a confined optical cavity mode
JKHTJMS David M Coles, Yanshen Yang, Yaya Wang, Richard T Grant, Robert A ...
Nature Communications 5, 5561, 2014
Fabrication of ultrathin single‐crystal diamond membranes
BA Fairchild, P Olivero, S Rubanov, AD Greentree, F Waldermann, ...
Advanced Materials 20 (24), 4793-4798, 2008
High Up-Conversion Efficiency of YVO4:Yb,Er Nanoparticles in Water down to the Single-Particle Level
G Mialon, S Turkcan, G Dantelle, DP Collins, M Hadjipanayi, RA Taylor, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114 (51), 22449-22454, 2010
57O Efficacy, safety and tolerability of MEDI4736 (durvalumab [D]), a human IgG1 anti-programmed cell death-ligand-1 (PD-L1) antibody, combined with gefitinib (G): A phase I …
DL Gibbons, LQ Chow, DW Kim, SW Kim, T Yeh, X Song, H Jiang, ...
Journal of Thoracic Oncology 11 (4), S79, 2016
RANKL-independent human osteoclast formation with APRIL, BAFF, NGF, IGF I and IGF II
F Hemingway, R Taylor, HJ Knowles, NA Athanasou
Bone 48 (4), 938-944, 2011
Quantum-confined Stark effect in a single InGaN quantum dot under a lateral electric field
JW Robinson, JH Rice, KH Lee, JH Na, RA Taylor, DG Hasko, RA Oliver, ...
Applied Physics Letters 86 (21), 2005
Nanoscale solid-state quantum computing
A Ardavan, M Austwick, SC Benjamin, GAD Briggs, TJS Denni s, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A …, 2003
Temporal variation in photoluminescence from single InGaN quantum dots
JH Rice, JW Robinson, A Jarjour, RA Taylor, RA Oliver, GAD Briggs, ...
Applied Physics Letters 84 (20), 4110-4112, 2004
Cavity-enhanced blue single-photon emission from a single InGaN∕ GaN quantum dot
AF Jarjour, RA Taylor, RA Oliver, MJ Kappers, CJ Humphreys, A Tahraoui
Applied Physics Letters 91 (5), 2007
The effects of nitrogen and boron doping on the optical emission and diameters of single-walled carbon nanotubes
LJ Li, M Glerup, AN Khlobystov, JG Wiltshire, JL Sauvajol, RA Taylor, ...
Carbon 44 (13), 2752-2757, 2006
Electrically tunable organic–inorganic hybrid polaritons with monolayer WS2
LC Flatten, DM Coles, Z He, DG Lidzey, RA Taylor, JH Warner, JM Smith
Nature communications 8 (1), 14097, 2017
Local magnetic spin mismatch promoting photocatalytic overall water splitting with exceptional solar-to-hydrogen efficiency
Y Li, Z Wang, Y Wang, A Kovács, C Foo, RE Dunin-Borkowski, Y Lu, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 15 (1), 265-277, 2022
Radiotherapy in the treatment of low-grade astrocytomas: II. The physical and cognitive sequelae
RD Chadderton, CGH West, S Schulz, DC Quirke, R Gattamaneni, ...
Child's Nervous System 11, 443-448, 1995
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Articles 1–20