Jan Verkade
Jan Verkade
Hydrologist, Deltares and Delft University of Technology
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Estimation of predictive hydrological uncertainty using quantile regression: examples from the National Flood Forecasting System (England and Wales)
AH Weerts, HC Winsemius, JS Verkade
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 15 (1), 255-265, 2011
Challenges of Operational River Forecasting
TC Pagano, AW Wood, MH Ramos, HL Cloke, F Pappenberger, MP Clark, ...
Journal of Hydrometeorology, 2014
Post-processing ECMWF precipitation and temperature ensemble reforecasts for operational hydrologic forecasting at various spatial scales
JS Verkade, JD Brown, P Reggiani, AH Weerts
Journal of Hydrology 2013 (501), 73-91, 2013
Estimating the benefits of single value and probability forecasting for flood warning
JS Verkade, MGF Werner
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 15, 3751-3765, 2011
Probabilistic flood extent estimates from social media flood observations.
T Brouwer, D Eilander, A Van Loenen, MJ Booij, KM Wijnberg, ...
Natural Hazards & Earth System Sciences 17 (5), 2017
Alternative configurations of Quantile Regression for estimating predictive uncertainty in water level forecasts for the Upper Severn River: a comparison
P Lopez, J Verkade, A Weerts, D Solomatine
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 16, 14591, 2014
Alternative configurations of Quantile Regression for estimating predictive uncertainty in water level forecasts for the Upper Severn River: a comparison
P López López, JS Verkade, AH Weerts, DP Solomatine
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 11 (4), 3811-3855, 2014
Hydrological Ensemble Prediction Systems Around the Globe
F Pappenberger, TC Pagano, JD Brown, L Alfieri, DA Lavers, L Berthet, ...
Handbook of Hydrometeorological Ensemble Forecasting, 1-35, 2016
Estimating predictive hydrological uncertainty by dressing deterministic and ensemble forecasts; a comparison, with application to Meuse and Rhine
JS Verkade, JD Brown, F Davids, P Reggiani, AH Weerts
Journal of Hydrology, 2017
A Stratified Sampling Approach for Improved Sampling from a Calibrated Ensemble Forecast Distribution
Y Hu, MJ Schmeits, S Jan van Andel, JS Verkade, M Xu, DP Solomatine, ...
Journal of Hydrometeorology 17 (9), 2405-2417, 2016
Application of Hydrological Forecast Verification Information
K Werner, JS Verkade, TC Pagano
HABITAT, A Spatial Analysis Tool for Environmental Impact and Damage Assessment
M Haasnoot, JS Verkade, KM de Bruijn
8th Hydroinformatics Conference, Chile, 2009
Estimating real-time predictive hydrological uncertainty
JS Verkade
TU Delft, Delft University of Technology, 2015
A decision support system for use of probability forecasts
S De Kleermaeker, JS Verkade
ISCRAM, 2013
The value of flood warning systems
J Verkade
Delft, Deltares, 2008
Case studies of extended model-based flood forecasting: prediction of dike strength and flood impacts
D Stuparu, D Bachmann, T Bogaard, D Twigt, J Verkade, K de Bruijn, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 19, 17173, 2017
Improving reliability and skill of medium-range hydrological ensemble forecasts over South America using EMOS
V Siqueira, A Weerts, J Verkade, B Klein, F Fan, R Paiva
Flood Early Warning System For Supporting Decision Processes On Roads And Bridges
D Bekić, I Kerin, J Verkade, G Gilja, V Pakrashi, E McKeogh
TU1406 Cost Action-3rd Workshop Meeting, 2018
Kansverwachtingen in het regionaal waterbeheer
J Verkade, A van Loenen, J Beckers, A Weerts
H2O 44 (16), 20, 2011
Seven Day Flow Forecasting Using Hydrological Models and Numerical Weather Prediction Rainfall Forecasts
CP Leahy, T Pagano, JF Elliott, S Sooriyakumaran, J Schellekens, ...
Proceedings of the 34th World Congress of the International Association for …, 2011
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