Gilberto Rivera
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Cited by
LiDAR applications in precision agriculture for cultivating crops: A review of recent advances
G Rivera, R Porras, R Florencia, JP Sánchez-Solís
Computers and electronics in agriculture 207, 107737, 2023
Understanding the apparent superiority of over-sampling through an analysis of local information for class-imbalanced data
V García, JS Sánchez, AI Marqués, R Florencia, G Rivera
Expert Systems with Applications 158, 113026, 2020
Hybrid metaheuristic approach for handling many objectives and decisions on partial support in project portfolio optimisation
E Fernandez, C Gomez, G Rivera, L Cruz-Reyes
Information Sciences 315, 102-122, 2015
Many-objective portfolio optimization of interdependent projects with 'a priori' incorporation of decision-maker preferences
L Cruz, E Fernandez, C Gomez, G Rivera, F Perez
Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences 8 (4), 1517, 2014
Genetic algorithm for scheduling optimization considering heterogeneous containers: A real-world case study
G Rivera, L Cisneros, P Sánchez-Solís, N Rangel-Valdez, J Rodas-Osollo
Axioms 9 (1), 27, 2020
Outranking-based multi-objective PSO for scheduling unrelated parallel machines with a freight industry-oriented application
G Rivera, R Porras, P Sanchez-Solís, R Florencia, V García
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 108, 104556, 2022
News classification for identifying traffic incident points in a Spanish-speaking country: A real-world case study of class imbalance learning
G Rivera, R Florencia, V García, A Ruiz, JP Sánchez-Solís
Applied Sciences 10 (18), 6253, 2020
Online multi-criteria portfolio analysis through compromise programming models built on the underlying principles of fuzzy outranking
G Rivera, R Florencia, M Guerrero, R Porras, JP Sánchez-Solís
Information Sciences 580, 734-755, 2021
Deep transfer learning for the recognition of types of face masks as a core measure to prevent the transmission of COVID-19
R Mar-Cupido, V García, G Rivera, JS Sánchez
Applied Soft Computing 125, 109207, 2022
Preference Incorporation into Many-Objective Optimization: An Ant Colony Algorithm based on Interval Outranking
G Rivera, CA Coello Coello, L Cruz-Reyes, ER Fernandez, ...
Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 69 (22), 101024, 2022
Handbook of Research on Natural Language Processing and Smart Service Systems
RA Pazos-Rangel, R Florencia, MA Paredes-Valverde, G Rivera
IGI Global, 2021
Hybridisation of Swarm Intelligence Algorithms with Multi-Criteria Ordinal Classification: A Strategy to Address Many-Objective Optimisation
A Castellanos, L Cruz, E Fernández, G Rivera, C Gomez-Santillan, ...
Mathematics 10 (3), 322, 2022
Handling of synergy into an algorithm for project portfolio selection
G Rivera, CG Gómez, ER Fernández, L Cruz, O Castillo, SS Bastiani
Recent Advances on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, 417-430, 2013
Intelligent system for the visual support of caloric intake of food in inhabitants of a smart city using a deep learning model
J Mejía, A Ochoa-Zezzatti, R Contreras-Masse, G Rivera
Applications of Hybrid Metaheuristic Algorithms for Image Processing, 441-455, 2020
Interdependent Projects selection with preference incorporation
CG Gomez, L Cruz-Reyes, G Rivera, N Rangel-Valdez, ...
New Perspectives on Applied Industrial Tools and Techniques, 253-271, 2018
Solution to the social portfolio problem by evolutionary algorithms
G Rivera, C Gómez, L Cruz, R García, FA Balderas, ER Fernández, ...
International Journal of Combinatorial Optimization Problems and Informatics …, 2012
Handbook of Research on Metaheuristics for Order Picking Optimization in Warehouses to Smart Cities
A Ochoa Ortiz-Zezzatti, G Rivera, C Gómez-Santillán, B Sánchez Lara
IGI Global, 2019
Computational Intelligence for Business Analytics
W Pedrycz, L Martínez, RA Espin-Andrade, G Rivera, J Marx-Gómez
Springer, Cham, 2021
Robustness analysis of an outranking model parameters’ elicitation method in the presence of noisy examples
N Rangel-Valdez, E Fernandez, L Cruz-Reyes, C Gomez-Santillan, ...
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2018 (1), 2157937, 2018
An ant colony algorithm for solving the selection portfolio problem, using a quality-assessment model for portfolios of projects expressed by a priority ranking
S Samantha Bastiani, L Cruz-Reyes, E Fernandez, C Gómez, G Rivera
Design of Intelligent Systems Based on Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks and …, 2015
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Articles 1–20