Igor Aleiner
Igor Aleiner
Senior Staff Research Scientist, Google Quantum AI
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Cited by
Metal–insulator transition in a weakly interacting many-electron system with localized single-particle states
DM Basko, IL Aleiner, BL Altshuler
Annals of physics 321 (5), 1126-1205, 2006
Suppressing quantum errors by scaling a surface code logical qubit
Nature 614 (7949), 676-681, 2023
Quantum effects in Coulomb blockade
IL Aleiner, PW Brouwer, LI Glazman
Physics Reports 358 (5-6), 309-440, 2002
Phonon effects in molecular transistors: Quantal and classical treatment
A Mitra, I Aleiner, AJ Millis
Physical Review B 69 (24), 245302, 2004
Interaction corrections at intermediate temperatures: Longitudinal conductivity and kinetic equation
G Zala, BN Narozhny, IL Aleiner
Physical Review B 64 (21), 214204, 2001
Realizing topologically ordered states on a quantum processor
KJ Satzinger, YJ Liu, A Smith, C Knapp, M Newman, C Jones, Z Chen, ...
Science 374 (6572), 1237-1241, 2021
Theory of microwave-induced oscillations in the magnetoconductivity of a two-dimensional electron gas
IA Dmitriev, MG Vavilov, IL Aleiner, AD Mirlin, DG Polyakov
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 71 (11), 115316, 2005
Dynamical Symmetry Breaking as the Origin of the Zero-dc-Resistance State<? format?> in an ac-Driven System
AV Andreev, IL Aleiner, AJ Millis
Physical review letters 91 (5), 056803, 2003
Effect of disorder on transport in graphene
IL Aleiner, KB Efetov
Physical review letters 97 (23), 236801, 2006
Magnetotransport in a two-dimensional electron gas at large filling factors
MG Vavilov, IL Aleiner
Physical Review B 69 (3), 035303, 2004
WSe2 Light-Emitting Tunneling Transistors with Enhanced Brightness at Room Temperature
F Withers, O Del Pozo-Zamudio, S Schwarz, S Dufferwiel, PM Walker, ...
Nano letters 15 (12), 8223-8228, 2015
Microscopic model of quantum butterfly effect: out-of-time-order correlators and traveling combustion waves
IL Aleiner, L Faoro, LB Ioffe
Annals of Physics 375, 378-406, 2016
Information scrambling in quantum circuits
X Mi, P Roushan, C Quintana, S Mandra, J Marshall, C Neill, F Arute, ...
Science 374 (6574), 1479-1483, 2021
Spin-orbit coupling effects on quantum transport in lateral semiconductor dots
IL Aleiner, VI Fal'Ko
Physical review letters 87 (25), 256801, 2001
Exponential suppression of bit or phase flip errors with repetitive error correction
Z Chen, KJ Satzinger, J Atalaya, AN Korotkov, A Dunsworth, D Sank, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.06132, 2021
Interaction effects and phase relaxation in disorderedsystems
IL Aleiner, BL Altshuler, ME Gershenson
Waves in Random Media 9 (2), 201, 1999
Divergence of classical trajectories and weak localization
IL Aleiner, AI Larkin
Physical Review B 54 (20), 14423, 1996
A finite-temperature phase transition for disordered weakly interacting bosons in one dimension
IL Aleiner, BL Altshuler, GV Shlyapnikov
Nature Physics 6 (11), 900-904, 2010
Slow imbalance relaxation and thermoelectric transport in graphene
MS Foster, IL Aleiner
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (8), 085415, 2009
Spontaneous symmetry breaking and Lifshitz transition in bilayer graphene
Y Lemonik, IL Aleiner, C Toke, VI Fal’ko
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (20), 201408, 2010
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Articles 1–20