Sergey Cheshkov
Cited by
Cited by
Functional imaging and related techniques: an introduction for rehabilitation researchers
B Crosson, A Ford, KM McGregor, M Meinzer, S Cheshkov, X Li, ...
Journal of rehabilitation research and development 47 (2), vii, 2010
Particle dynamics in multistage wakefield collider
S Cheshkov, T Tajima, W Horton, K Yokoya
Physical review special topics-accelerators and beams 3 (7), 071301, 2000
Quadrature transmit coil for breast imaging at 7 tesla using forced current excitation for improved homogeneity
MP McDougall, S Cheshkov, J Rispoli, C Malloy, I Dimitrov, SM Wright
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 40 (5), 1165-1173, 2014
A 16-channel receive, forced current excitation dual-transmit coil for breast imaging at 7T
S By, JV Rispoli, S Cheshkov, I Dimitrov, J Cui, S Seiler, S Goudreau, ...
PloS one 9 (11), e113969, 2014
Validation of non-rigid registration between functional and anatomical magnetic resonance brain images
A Gholipour, N Kehtarnavaz, RW Briggs, KS Gopinath, W Ringe, ...
IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering 55 (2), 563-571, 2008
Oxidation of [U‐13C]glucose in the human brain at 7T under steady state conditions
S Cheshkov, IE Dimitrov, V Jakkamsetti, L Good, D Kelly, K Rajasekaran, ...
Magnetic resonance in medicine 78 (6), 2065-2071, 2017
Reproducibility and Absolute Quantification of Muscle Glycogen in Patients with Glycogen Storage Disease by 13C NMR Spectroscopy at 7 Tesla
K Heinicke, IE Dimitrov, N Romain, S Cheshkov, J Ren, CR Malloy, ...
PLoS One 9 (10), e108706, 2014
A switched-mode breast coil for 7 T MRI using forced-current excitation
J Cui, JC Bosshard, JV Rispoli, IE Dimitrov, S Cheshkov, MP McDougall, ...
IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering 62 (7), 1777-1783, 2015
High energy laser-wakefield collider with synchronous acceleration
C Chiu, S Cheshkov, T Tajima
Physical Review Special Topics-Accelerators and Beams 3 (10), 101301, 2000
Neural bases of the foreign accent syndrome: a functional magnetic resonance imaging case study
WF Katz, DM Garst, RW Briggs, S Cheshkov, W Ringe, KS Gopinath, ...
Neurocase 18 (3), 199-211, 2012
Trap design and construction for high‐power multinuclear magnetic resonance experiments
JV Rispoli, IE Dimitrov, S Cheshkov, C Malloy, SM Wright, MP McDougall
Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B: Magnetic Resonance Engineering 46 (4 …, 2016
Selective detrending method for reducing task‐correlated motion artifact during speech in event‐related FMRI
K Gopinath, B Crosson, K McGregor, KK Peck, YL Chang, A Moore, ...
Human brain mapping 30 (4), 1105-1119, 2009
Single-camera motion measurement and monitoring for magnetic resonance applications
C Wildey, DL MacFarlane, A Goyal, K Gopinath, S Cheshkov, R Briggs
Applied Optics 50 (14), 2088-2097, 2011
Proton Decoupled 13C MRS of the Breast at 7T
S Cheshkov, I Dimitrov, JV Rispoli, E Gonzales, C Malloy, MP McDougall, ...
Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med 1783, 2012
A printed loop element with integrated capacitors and co-planar shield for 7 tesla
MP McDougall, SM Wright, J Rispoli, M Carillo, I Dimitrov, S Cheshkov, ...
Proc. 19th Annu. Meeting ISMRM, 1875, 2011
A retrofit to enable dynamic steering for transmit arrays without multiple amplifiers
C Sun, K Patel, M Wilcox, IE Dimitrov, S Cheshkov, M McDougall, ...
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 85 (6), 3497-3509, 2021
A 16-Channel 13C Array Coil for Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of the Breast at 7T
M Wilcox, S Ogier, S Cheshkov, IE Dimitrov, CR Malloy, SM Wright, ...
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 68 (6), 2036-2046, 2021
Switchable bilateral/unilateral 7T breast coil using forced current excitation
J Cui, I Dimitrov, S Cheshkov, MP McDougall, C Malloy, SM Wright
Pro Intl Soc Mag Reson Med 2727, 2013
BreastVIEW: isotropic 3D high resolution T2-weighted breast imaging at 7T
I Dimitrov, A Madhuranthakam, S Cheshkov, S Seiler, S Goudreau, ...
Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med 3370, 2013
Optical head tracking for functional magnetic resonance imaging using structured light
AA Zaremba, DL MacFarlane, WC Tseng, AJ Stark, RW Briggs, ...
JOSA A 25 (7), 1551-1557, 2008
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Articles 1–20