Soonwook Hwang
Cited by
Cited by
Recent Developments in Geant4
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2016
Gridworkflow: A flexible failure handling framework for the grid
S Hwang, C Kesselman
IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC …, 2003
A flexible framework for fault tolerance in the grid
S Hwang, C Kesselman
Journal of Grid Computing 1, 251-272, 2003
A traffic and power-aware algorithm for virtual machine placement in cloud data center
HT Vu, S Hwang
International Journal of Grid & Distributed Computing 7 (1), 350-355, 2014
Virtual screening identification of novel severe acute respiratory syndrome 3C-like protease inhibitors and in vitro confirmation
TTH Nguyen, HJ Ryu, SH Lee, S Hwang, V Breton, JH Rhee, D Kim
Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters 21 (10), 3088-3091, 2011
HTCaaS: Leveraging distributed supercomputing infrastructures for large-scale scientific computing
JS Kim, S Rho, S Kim, S Kim, S Kim, S Hwang
IEEE/ACM 6th Workshop on Many-Task Computing on Clouds, Grids, and …, 2013
Accelerating a burst buffer via user-level i/o isolation
J Han, D Koo, GK Lockwood, J Lee, H Eom, S Hwang
2017 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 245-255, 2017
HTCaaS: a large-scale high-throughput computing by leveraging grids, supercomputers and cloud
S Rho, S Kim, S Kim, S Kim, JS Kim, S Hwang
2012 SC Companion: High Performance Computing, Networking Storage and …, 2012
An empirical study of I/O separation for burst buffers in HPC systems
D Koo, J Lee, J Liu, EK Byun, JH Kwak, GK Lockwood, S Hwang, ...
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 148, 96-108, 2021
Resource allocation policies for loosely coupled applications in heterogeneous computing systems
E Hwang, S Kim, T Yoo, JS Kim, S Hwang, Y Choi
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 27 (8), 2349-2362, 2015
On the role of message broker middleware for many-task computing on a big-data platform
CN Nguyen, J Lee, S Hwang, JS Kim
Cluster Computing 22, 2527-2540, 2019
Grid workflow: a flexible framework for fault tolerance in the grid
S Hwang
University of Southern California, 2003
Koha: Building a kafka-based distributed queue system on the fly in a hadoop cluster
CN Nguyen, JS Kim, S Hwang
2016 IEEE 1st International Workshops on Foundations and Applications of …, 2016
Performance analysis and optimization of AMGA for the large‐scale virtual screening
S Ahn, N Kim, S Lee, D Nam, S Hwang, B Koblitz, V Breton, S Han
Software: Practice and Experience 39 (12), 1055-1072, 2009
A generic failure detection service for the grid
S Hwang, C Kesselman
Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern California. Technical …, 2003
Platform and co-runner affinities for many-task applications in distributed computing platforms
S Kim, E Hwang, T Yoo, JS Kim, S Hwang, Y Choi
2015 15th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid …, 2015
Towards effective science cloud provisioning for a large-scale high-throughput computing
S Kim, JS Kim, S Hwang, Y Kim
Cluster computing 17, 1157-1169, 2014
Moha: Many-task computing meets the big data platform
JS Kim, C Nguyen, S Hwang
2016 IEEE 12th International Conference on e-Science (e-Science), 193-202, 2016
Design of the Advanced Metadata Service System with AMGA for the Belle II Experiment
S Ahn, K Cho, S Hwang, J Kim, H Jang, BK Kim, H Yoon, J Yu, Z Drasal, ...
Journal of the Korean Physics Society 57 (4), 715-724, 2010
Improvement of data grid's performance by combining job scheduling with dynamic replication strategy
NN Dang, S Hwang, SB Lim
Sixth International Conference on Grid and Cooperative Computing (GCC 2007 …, 2007
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Articles 1–20