Dr. Ali Safiei
Dr. Ali Safiei
Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Phys., Institute of Semiconductor Electronics, RWTH-Aachen University, Germany
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Cited by
Isomerization of an Azobenzene Derivative on a Thin Insulating Layer<? format?> by Inelastically Tunneling Electrons
A Safiei, J Henzl, K Morgenstern
Physical review letters 104 (21), 216102, 2010
Impact of micro-cracks on the degradation of solar cell performance based on two-diode model parameters
JI Van Mölken, UA Yusufoğlu, A Safiei, H Windgassen, R Khandelwal, ...
Energy Procedia 27, 167-172, 2012
Influence of substrate surface-induced defects on the interface state between NaCl (100) and Ag (111)
S Heidorn, C Bertram, J Koch, K Boom, F Matthaei, A Safiei, J Henzl, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117 (31), 16095-16103, 2013
Coulomb attraction during the carpet growth mode of NaCl
F Matthaei, S Heidorn, K Boom, C Bertram, A Safiei, J Henzl, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 24 (35), 354006, 2012
THz microprobe system for contact-free high-resolution sheet resistance imaging
M Nagel, A Safiei, S Sawallich, C Matheisen, TM Pletzer, AA Mewe, ...
28th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, 856-860, 2013
Emitter profile tailoring to contact homogeneous high sheet resistance emitter
A Safiei, H Windgassen, K Wolter, H Kurz
Energy Procedia 27, 432-437, 2012
SiliconPV 2012 generation of defect-related acceptor states by laser doping
A Safiei, R Derix, S Suckow, H Koch, U Breuer, TM Pletzer, K Wolter, ...
Solar energy materials and solar cells 106, 2-6, 2012
Single molecule manipulation
K Morgenstern
Surface and interface analysis 42 (10‐11), 1634-1636, 2010
Selective emitter on multicrystalline si solar cells by laser doping from phosphosilicate glass
A Safiei, R Bleidiessel, R Khandelwal, TM Pletzer, H Windgassen, H Kurz
Proceedings of the 26th EU-Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Hamburg …, 2011
Evaluation and investigation of laser doping by a double-gaussian shaped beam profile
A Safiei, K Wolter, M Nagel, H Windgassen, H Kurz
2013 IEEE 39th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), 2263-2267, 2013
Active terahertz near-field probes for high-resolution free-carrier density imaging applications
M Nagel, A Safiei, T Pletzer, H Kurz
2012 37th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz …, 2012
Efficiency increase of lossy solar cells by laser post-processing and detailed analysis of the current-voltage characteristics
TM Pletzer, M Thore, S Suckow, B Mayer, J van Mölken, A Safiei, ...
2011 37th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, 001662-001667, 2011
Photoconductive terahertz microprobes for high-resolution contact-free imaging of large-scale sheet conductivity distributions
M Nagel, A Safiei, C Matheisen, S Sawallich, TM Pletzer, H Kurz
2013 Conference on Lasers & Electro-Optics Europe & International Quantum …, 2013
Laserprozessierung von multikristallinen Silizium Solarzellen und die Entwicklung selektiver Emitter
A Safiei
Verlag Dr. Hut, 2013
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Articles 1–14