Sang-Hoon Yeo
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Cited by
Is titin a ‘winding filament’? A new twist on muscle contraction
KC Nishikawa, JA Monroy, TE Uyeno, SH Yeo, DK Pai, SL Lindstedt
Proceedings of the royal society B: Biological sciences 279 (1730), 981-990, 2012
Eye movement accuracy determines natural interception strategies
J Fooken, SH Yeo, DK Pai, M Spering
Journal of vision 16 (14), 1-1, 2016
Eyecatch: Simulating visuomotor coordination for object interception
SH Yeo, M Lesmana, DR Neog, DK Pai
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 31 (4), 1-10, 2012
When optimal feedback control is not enough: Feedforward strategies are required for optimal control with active sensing
SH Yeo, DW Franklin, DM Wolpert
PLoS computational biology 12 (12), e1005190, 2016
A methodological framework to assess the accuracy of virtual reality hand-tracking systems: A case study with the Meta Quest 2
D Abdlkarim, M Di Luca, P Aves, M Maaroufi, SH Yeo, RC Miall, P Holland, ...
Behavior research methods 56 (2), 1052-1063, 2024
Deep-SAGA: a deep-learning-based system for automatic gaze annotation from eye-tracking data
O Deane, E Toth, SH Yeo
Behavior Research Methods 55 (3), 1372-1391, 2023
Numerical instability of Hill-type muscle models
SH Yeo, J Verheul, W Herzog, S Sueda
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 20 (199), 20220430, 2023
A methodological framework to assess the accuracy of virtual reality hand-tracking systems: A case study with the oculus quest 2
D Abdlkarim, M Di Luca, P Aves, SH Yeo, RC Miall, P Holland, JM Galea
BioRxiv, 2022.02. 18.481001, 2022
Estimation of musculoskeletal models from in situ measurements of muscle action in the rat hindlimb
SH Yeo, CH Mullens, TG Sandercock, DK Pai, MC Tresch
Journal of Experimental Biology 214 (5), 735-746, 2011
Coordinate representations for interference reduction in motor learning
SH Yeo, DM Wolpert, DW Franklin
PLoS One 10 (6), e0129388, 2015
Phenomenological models of the dynamics of muscle during isotonic shortening
SH Yeo, JA Monroy, AK Lappin, KC Nishikawa, DK Pai
Journal of biomechanics 46 (14), 2419-2425, 2013
Application of subject-specific helmets for the study of human visuomotor behavior using transcranial focused ultrasound: a pilot study
TY Park, JH Jeong, YA Chung, SH Yeo, H Kim
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 226, 107127, 2022
Differentiable simulation of inertial musculotendons
Y Wang, J Verheul, SH Yeo, NK Kalantari, S Sueda
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 41 (6), 1-11, 2022
A modular object-oriented framework for hierarchical multi-resolution robot simulation
S Yeo, J Kim, SH Lee, FC Park, W Park, J Kim, C Park, I Yeo
Robotica 22 (2), 141-154, 2004
Overt visual attention and between-limb asynchrony for bimanual reaching movements
SD Sardar, SH Yeo, JE Allsop, TD Punt
Experimental Brain Research 241 (2), 649-660, 2023
A hybrid method for ultrasound-based tracking of skeletal muscle architecture
J Verheul, SH Yeo
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 70 (4), 1114-1124, 2022
A multimodal analysis combining behavioral experiments and survey-based methods to assess the cognitive effect of video game playing: good or evil?
JH Jeong, HJ Park, SH Yeo, H Kim
Sensors 20 (11), 3219, 2020
A new muscle model with implications for actuation and control
J Tester, SH Yeo, D Pai, K Nishikawa
Proceedings of Dynamic Walking Conference, 1-3, 2012
Muscle inertia during running: A massive change of moments?
J Verheul, S Sueda, SH Yeo
40th International Society of Biomechanics in Sports Conference, 2022
Computational modeling of neuromusculoskeletal systems: from filaments to behavior
SH Yeo
University of British Columbia, 2012
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Articles 1–20