Letchmi Devi Ponnusamy
Letchmi Devi Ponnusamy
Senior Lecturer In National institute of education
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Curriculum integration in arts education: connecting multiple art forms through the idea of ‘space’
A Bautista, LS Tan, LD Ponnusamy, X Yau
Journal of Curriculum Studies 48 (5), 610-629, 2016
Fostering creativity in the classroom for high ability students: Context does matter
LS Tan, SS Lee, LD Ponnusamy, ER Koh, KCK Tan
Education Sciences 6 (4), 36, 2016
The complexities in fostering critical thinking through school-based curriculum innovation: research evidence from Singapore
LS Tan, E Koh, SS Lee, LD Ponnusamy, KCK Tan
Asia Pacific Journal of Education 37 (4), 517-534, 2017
A Singapore case study of curriculum innovation in the twenty-first century: Demands, tensions and deliberations
E Koh, LD Ponnusamy, LS Tan, SS Lee, ME Ramos
The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher 23, 851-860, 2014
Weaving and anchoring the arts into curriculum: The evolving curriculum processes
TL See, LD Ponnusamy
Contextualized practices in arts education: An international dialogue on …, 2013
Adaptivity and creativity in the arts: The nexus and affordances
LS Tan, LD Ponnusamy
Adaptivity as a transformative disposition: For learning in the 21st Century …, 2013
Intricacies of designing and implementing enrichment programs for high-ability students
LS Tan, LD Ponnusamy, SS Lee, E Koh, L Koh, JY Tan, KCK Tan, ...
Gifted Education International 36 (2), 130-153, 2020
Curriculum for high ability learners: Issues, trends and practices
LS Tan, LD Ponnusamy, CG Quek
Springer, 2016
Singapore: Education in transition
L Ponnusamy, S Gopinathan
Education in South-East Asia 20, 233, 2013
Teacher education in Singapore: Charting new directions
G Saravanan, L Ponnusamy
Journal of Research, Policy & Practice of Teachers and Teacher Education 1 …, 2011
Teacher Learning in Curriculum Innovation, the Unique Case for Embedded Learning.
LD Ponnusamy
Encyclopedia of Educational Innovation 1, 1-5, 2019
Negotiating the complexity of curriculum integration: Metalanguages as levers that shape the innovation process
LD Ponnusamy, LS Tan, S Rahamat, NAM Ibrahim
International Journal of Innovation in Education 4 (2-3), 126-146, 2017
Developing teacher leadership in pedagogical practice
LS Tan, LD Ponnusamy, KCK Tan
Leadership For change: The Singapore schools’ experience, 169-202, 2018
Concept-based curriculum and the teacher: Galvanising teacher agency
LD Ponnusamy
Curriculum for high ability learners: Issues, trends and practices, 25-42, 2017
Curriculum innovation and the nurturing of twenty-first century learners
LS Tan, SS Lee, E Koh, LD Ponnusamy, KCK Tan, KB Koh, CG Quek, ...
Office of Education Research, National Institute of Education, Singapore, 2020
Science education for the gifted in Singapore: Trends, significance, and opportunities
LS Ponnusamy, L. D., & Tan
Policy and Practice in Science Education for the Gifted 2, 75-90, 2017
A study on developing teacher leadership and engendering an emerging teacher-led culture
LS Tan, LD Ponnusamy, D Hung, KCK Tan
National Institute of Education (Singapore), 2017
Lessons learned from developing and implementing the concept-based curriculum
LS Tan, LD Ponnusamy
Curriculum for High Ability Learners: Issues, Trends and Practices, 241-250, 2017
Reclaiming the Curriculum
LS Tan, LD Ponnusamy, CG Quek
Curriculum for High Ability Learners: Issues, Trends and Practices, 1-10, 2017
Parental experiences in transitioning their children with autism spectrum disorder into mainstream primary schools
PH Lee
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Articles 1–20