Yu Liu
Cited by
Cited by
Anomaly detection based on machine learning in IoT-based vertical plant wall for indoor climate control
Y Liu, Z Pang, M Karlsson, S Gong
Building and Environment 183, 107212, 2020
Active plant wall for green indoor climate based on cloud and Internet of Things
Y Liu, KA Hassan, M Karlsson, O Weister, S Gong
IEEE Access 6, 33631-33644, 2018
A data-centric internet of things framework based on azure cloud
Y Liu, KA Hassan, M Karlsson, Z Pang, S Gong
IEEE Access 7, 53839-53858, 2019
Methodology for digital transformation with internet of things and cloud computing: A practical guideline for innovation in small-and medium-sized enterprises
Y Liu, Z Ni, M Karlsson, S Gong
Sensors 21 (16), 5355, 2021
Performance evaluation of containerization in edge-cloud computing stacks for industrial applications: A client perspective
Y Liu, D Lan, Z Pang, M Karlsson, S Gong
IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society 2, 153-168, 2021
Latency analysis of wireless networks for proximity services in smart home and building automation: The case of thread
D Lan, Z Pang, C Fischione, Y Liu, A Taherkordi, F Eliassen
IEEE Access 7, 4856-4867, 2018
A taxonomy for the security assessment of ip-based building automation systems: The case of thread
Y Liu, Z Pang, G Dán, D Lan, S Gong
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 14 (9), 4113-4123, 2018
Enabling preventive conservation of historic buildings through cloud-based digital twins: A case study in the city theatre, norrköping
Z Ni, Y Liu, M Karlsson, S Gong
IEEE Access 10, 90924-90939, 2022
Improving energy efficiency while preserving historic buildings with digital twins and artificial intelligence
Z Ni, P Eriksson, Y Liu, M Karlsson, S Gong
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 863 (1), 012041, 2021
Plant factory: a new playground of industrial communication and computing
Y Liu, S Mousavi, Z Pang, Z Ni, M Karlsson, S Gong
Sensors 22 (1), 147, 2021
Battery lifetime modeling and validation of wireless building automation devices in thread
E Azoidou, Z Pang, Y Liu, D Lan, G Bag, S Gong
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 14 (7), 2869-2880, 2017
A sensing system based on public cloud to monitor indoor environment of historic buildings
Z Ni, Y Liu, M Karlsson, S Gong
Sensors 21 (16), 5266, 2021
A federated fog-cloud framework for data processing and orchestration: a case study in smart cities
D Lan, Y Liu, A Taherkordi, F Eliassen, S Delbruel, L Lei
Proceedings of the 36th annual ACM symposium on applied computing, 729-736, 2021
A study on visual representations for active plant wall data analysis
K Akram Hassan, Y Liu, L Besançon, J Johansson, N Rönnberg
Data 4 (2), 74, 2019
Link historic buildings to cloud with internet of things and digital twins
Z Ni, Y Liu, M Karlsson, S Gong
The 4th International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Historic Buildings …, 2022
A Data-centric Internet of Things Framework Based on Public Cloud
Y Liu
Linköping University Electronic Press, 2019
Enabling 5G QoS configuration capabilities for IoT applications on container orchestration platform
Y Liu, AH Herranz
2023 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science …, 2023
RoboKube: Establishing a New Foundation for the Cloud Native Evolution in Robotics
Y Liu, AH Herranz, RC Sundin
2024 10th International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Applications …, 2024
Worker nodes cooperatively performing a task
A Hernandez Herranz, Y Liu
WO Patent App. PCT/EP2022/069,952, 2024
Enable the landing of Internet of Things: a holistic approach
Y Liu
Linköping University Electronic Press, 2021
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Articles 1–20