Martijn C. Schut
Martijn C. Schut
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Performance measurement and control in logistics service providing
E Krauth, H Moonen, V Popova, M Schut
International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems 3, 239-247, 2005
On model design for simulation of collective intelligence
MC Schut
Information Sciences 180 (1), 132-155, 2010
Reinforcement learning for online control of evolutionary algorithms
AE Eiben, M Horvath, W Kowalczyk, MC Schut
Engineering Self-Organising Systems: 4th International Workshop, ESOA 2006 …, 2007
Performance indicators in logistics service provision and warehouse management–a literature review and framework
E Krauth, H Moonen, V Popova, M Schut
Euroma international conference, 19-22, 2005
The theory and practice of intention reconsideration
M Schut, M Wooldridge, S Parsons
Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 16 (4), 261-293, 2004
Emerging artificial societies through learning
N Gilbert, M Besten, A Bontovics, BGW Craenen, F Divina, AE Eiben, ...
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 9 (2), 2006
Modeling centralized organization of organizational change
M Hoogendoorn, CM Jonker, MC Schut, J Treur
Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory 13, 147-184, 2007
Risk factors for incident stroke and its subtypes in China: a prospective study
W Qi, J Ma, T Guan, D Zhao, A Abu‐Hanna, M Schut, B Chao, L Wang, ...
Journal of the American Heart Association 9 (21), e016352, 2020
Principles of intention reconsideration
M Schut, M Wooldridge
Proceedings of the fifth international conference on Autonomous agents, 340-347, 2001
Evolving behavioral specialization in robot teams to solve a collective construction task
GS Nitschke, MC Schut, AE Eiben
Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 2, 25-38, 2012
Is self-adaptation of selection pressure and population size possible?–A case study
AE Eiben, MC Schut, AR de Wilde
International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, 900-909, 2006
Intention reconsideration in complex environments
M Schut, M Wooldridge
Proceedings of the fourth international conference on Autonomous agents, 209-216, 2000
New ways to calibrate evolutionary algorithms
G Eiben, MC Schut
Advances in metaheuristics for hard optimization, 153-177, 2008
Boosting genetic algorithms with self-adaptive selection
AE Eiben, MC Schut, AR De Wilde
2006 IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary Computation, 477-482, 2006
The control of reasoning in resource-bounded agents
M Schut, M Wooldridge
The Knowledge Engineering Review 16 (3), 215-240, 2001
Collective representational content for shared extended mind
T Bosse, CM Jonker, MC Schut, J Treur
Cognitive Systems Research 7 (2-3), 151-174, 2006
Diversity measurement of recommender systems under different user choice models
Z Szlávik, W Kowalczyk, M Schut
Proceedings of the international AAAI conference on web and social media 5 …, 2011
Emerging communication and cooperation in evolving agent societies
PC Buzing, AE Eiben, MC Schut
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 8 (1), 2005
On partially observable MDPs and BDI models
M Schut, M Wooldridge, S Parsons
Foundations and Applications of Multi-Agent Systems: UKMAS Workshops 1996 …, 2002
WILLEM: A wireless intelligent evacuation method
WH Van Willigen, RM Neef, A Van Lieburg, MC Schut
2009 Third International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications …, 2009
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Articles 1–20