Elena Valerievna Naumova
Elena Valerievna Naumova
Laboratory of Physics and Technology of 3D Nanostructures, Institute of Semiconductor Physics SB RAS
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Research highlights from the Novosibirsk 400 W average power THz FEL
GN Kulipanov, NG Gavrilov, BA Knyazev, EI Kolobanov, VV Kotenkov, ...
Terahertz Sci. Technol 1 (2), 107-125, 2008
Terahertz metamaterials and systems based on rolled-up 3D elements: designs, technological approaches, and properties
VY Prinz, EV Naumova, SV Golod, VA Seleznev, AA Bocharov, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 43334, 2017
Manufacturing chiral electromagnetic metamaterials by directional rolling of strained heterofilms
EV Naumova, VY Prinz, SV Golod, VA Seleznev, RA Soots, VV Kubarev
Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics 11 (7), 074010, 2009
Investigation of electromagnetic properties of a high absorptive, weakly reflective metamaterial—Substrate system with compensated chirality
IV Semchenko, SA Khakhomov, VS Asadchy, SV Golod, EV Naumova, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 121 (1), 2017
Historical review of early researches on mitogenetic radiation: from discovery to cancer diagnostics
EV Naumova, AE Naumova, DA Isaev, IV Volodyaev
Journal of Biomedical Photonics and Engineering 4 (4), 040201, 2018
Study of the properties of artificial anisotropic structures with high chirality
IV Semchenko, SA Khakhomov, EV Naumova, VY Prinz, SV Golod, ...
Crystallography Reports 56, 366-373, 2011
Terahertz-range chiral metamaterials based on helices made of metal-semiconductor nanofilms
EV Naumova, VY Prinz, SV Golod, VA Seleznev, VA Seifi, AF Buldygin, ...
Optoelectronics, Instrumentation and Data Processing 45, 292-300, 2009
Methods of studying ultraweak photon emission from biological objects: I. History, types and properties, fundamental and application significance
EV Naumova, YA Vladimirov, LV Beloussov, VV Tuchin, IV Volodyaev
Biophysics 66, 764-778, 2021
High power THz applications on the NovoFEL
RR Akberdin, EN Chesnokov, MA Dem'yanenko, DG Esaev, ...
2009 34th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz …, 2009
Investigation of the properties of weakly reflective metamaterials with compensated chirality
IV Semchenko, SA Khakhomov, VS Asadchy, EV Naumova, VY Prinz, ...
Crystallography Reports 59, 480-485, 2014
Fabrication of metamaterials on the basis of precise micro-and nanoshells
EV Naumova, VY Prinz, VA Seleznev, SV Golod, RA Soots, VV Kubarev, ...
Proceedings of Conference" Metamaterials 2007, 74-77, 2007
Methods of studying ultraweak photon emissions from biological objects. II. Methods based on biological detection
IV Volodyaev, LV Beloussov, II Kontsevaya, AE Naumova, EV Naumova
Biophysics 66 (6), 920-949, 2021
Polarization rotation of THz radiation by an array of helices.
EV Naumova, VY Prinz, VA Seleznev, SV Golod, VV Kubarev, ...
2006 Joint 31st International Conference on Infrared Millimeter Waves and …, 2006
Methods of studying ultraweak photon emission from biological objects: III. Physical methods
EV Naumova, YA Vladimirov, VV Tuchin, VA Namiot, IV Volodyaev
Biophysics 67 (1), 27-58, 2022
Novosibirsk terahertz free electron laser: facility development and new experimental results at the user stations
BA Knyazev, VS Cherkassky, EN Chesnokov, YY Choporova, ...
2011 International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, 1-2, 2011
Terahertz optical activity and metamaterial properties of 2D array of metal-semiconductor microhelices
VV Kubarev, VY Prinz, EV Naumova, SV Golod
2009 34th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz …, 2009
Absorptive weakly reflective metamaterial based on optimal rectangular omegas
I Semchenko, S Khakhomov, A Samofalov, M Podalov, A Balmakou, ...
2017 11th International Congress on Engineered Materials Platforms for Novel …, 2017
Laser-controlled moving atomic structures for microelectronics
NM Sovetov, AV Nikonov, EV Naumova, VA Moskovsky, DA Grigoriev
Laser Applications in Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Manufacturing II …, 1997
Mitogenetic Research in Medicine: Radiation of Blood and Cancer Diagnostics
EV Naumova, MS Aristanbekova, I Volodyaev
Ultra-Weak Photon Emission from Biological Systems: Endogenous Biophotonics …, 2023
Mitogenetic Effect in Biological Systems
I Volodyaev, II Kontsevaya, EV Naumova
Ultra-Weak Photon Emission from Biological Systems: Endogenous Biophotonics …, 2023
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Articles 1–20