Rishikesh Ram Bhandary
Rishikesh Ram Bhandary
Boston University Global Development Policy Center
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Cited by
National and sub-national policies and institutions
E Somanathan, T Sterner, T Sugiyama, D Chimanikire, NK Dubash, ...
Cambridge University Press, 2014
Climate finance policy in practice: A review of the evidence
RR Bhandary, KS Gallagher, F Zhang
Climate Policy 21 (4), 529-545, 2021
Banking on coal? Drivers of demand for Chinese overseas investments in coal in Bangladesh, India, Indonesia and Vietnam
KS Gallagher, R Bhandary, E Narassimhan, QT Nguyen
Energy Research & Social Science 71, 101827, 2021
Sustainable development diplomacy: Diagnostics for the negotiation and implementation of sustainable development
WR Moomaw, RR Bhandary, L Kuhl, P Verkooijen
Global Policy 8 (1), 73-81, 2017
From fossil to low carbon: The evolution of global public energy innovation
F Zhang, KS Gallagher, Z Myslikova, E Narassimhan, RR Bhandary, ...
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 12 (6), e734, 2021
Coalition strategies in the climate negotiations: An analysis of mountain-related coalitions
RR Bhandary
International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 17, 173-190, 2017
Ready for REDD
KP Acharya, RB Dangi, DM Tripathi, BR Bushley, RR Bhandary, ...
Taking stock of experience, opportunities and challenges in Nepal. Nepal …, 2009
Ready for REDD? Taking Stock of Experience, Opportunities and Challenges in Nepal. Nepal Foresters’ Association: Kathmandu, Nepal. Printed at
KP Acharya, RB Dangi, DM Tripathi, BR Bushley, RR Bhandary, ...
Mass Printing Press, Kathmandu Cover Photo: Krishna P. Acharya ISBN, 2009
What drives Pakistan’s coal-fired power plant construction boom? Understanding the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor’s energy portfolio
RR Bhandary, KS Gallagher
World Development Perspectives 25, 100396, 2022
Demanding development: the political economy of climate finance and overseas investments from China
RR Bhandary, KS Gallagher, AM Jaffe, Z Myslikova, F Zhang, M Petrova, ...
Energy Research & Social Science 93, 102816, 2022
Debt Relief for a Green and Inclusive Recovery: Guaranteeing Sustainable Development
L Ramos, R Ray, RR Bhandary, KP Gallagher, WN Kring
Boston, London, Berlin: Boston University Global Development Policy Center, 2023
National climate funds: a new dataset on national financing vehicles for climate change
RR Bhandary
Climate Policy 22 (3), 401-410, 2022
Enhanced direct access: the first decade
B Müller, RR Bhandary
Handbook of International Climate Finance, 2022
Summary of the Paris climate change conference: 29 November–13 December 2015
J Allan, B Antonich, RR Bhandary, M Luomi, A Schulz, V Wiseman
Earth Negot Bull 12, 1-47, 2015
Handbook of international climate finance
A Michaelowa, AK Sacherer
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022
Climate mainstreaming via national climate funds: the experiences of Bangladesh and Ethiopia
RR Bhandary
Climate and Development, 2021
Poverty reduction in a changing climate
N Lustig, LF López-Calva, S Mitra, J Schöttli, M Pauli, K Bird, K Higgins, ...
Lexington Books, 2013
Reforming Bretton Woods institutions to achieve climate change and development goals
K Gallagher, RR Bhandary, R Ray, L Ramos
One Earth, 2023
What's on the agenda? UN climate change negotiation agendas since 1995
JI Allan, RR Bhandary
Climate Policy, 2022
World Bank evolution as if development and climate change really mattered: four Foundation for Successful Reforms
KP Gallagher, RR Bhandary
GEGI Policy Brief 23, 2023
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Articles 1–20