Andrew J. P. Garner
Andrew J. P. Garner
Institute of Quantum Optics and Quantum Information
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Introducing one-shot work into fluctuation relations
N Yunger Halpern, AJP Garner, OCO Dahlsten, V Vedral
New Journal of Physics 17 (9), 095003, 2015
Causal Asymmetry in a Quantum World
J Thompson, AJP Garner, JR Mahoney, JP Crutchfield, V Vedral, M Gu
Physical Review X 8 (3), 031013, 2018
Resource theories of multi-time processes: a window into quantum non-Markovianity
GD Berk, AJP Garner, B Yadin, K Modi, FA Pollock
Quantum 5, 435, 2021
Using quantum theory to simplify input–output processes
J Thompson, AJP Garner, V Vedral, M Gu
npj Quantum Information 3 (1), 6, 2017
Extreme Dimensionality Reduction with Quantum Modeling
TJ Elliott, C Yang, FC Binder, AJP Garner, J Thompson, M Gu
Physical Review Letters 125 (26), 260501, 2020
Guaranteed energy-efficient bit reset in finite time
C Browne, AJP Garner, OCO Dahlsten, V Vedral
Physical review letters 113 (10), 100603, 2014
The classical-quantum divergence of complexity in modelling spin chains
WY Suen, J Thompson, AJP Garner, V Vedral, M Gu
Quantum 1, 25, 2017
The thermodynamics of complexity and pattern manipulation
AJP Garner, J Thompson, V Vedral, M Gu
Physical Review E 95, 042140, 2017
Provably unbounded memory advantage in stochastic simulation using quantum mechanics.
AJP Garner, Q Liu, J Thompson, V Vedral, M Gu
New Journal of Physics, 2017
A framework for phase and interference in generalized probabilistic theories
AJP Garner, OCO Dahlsten, Y Nakata, M Murao, V Vedral
New Journal of Physics 15 (9), 093044, 2013
Quantum adaptive agents with efficient long-term memories
TJ Elliott, M Gu, AJP Garner, J Thompson
Physical Review X 12 (1), 011007, 2022
Entropic equality for worst-case work at any protocol speed
OCO Dahlsten, MS Choi, D Braun, AJP Garner, NY Halpern, V Vedral
New Journal of Physics 19 (4), 043013, 2017
The complex and quaternionic quantum bit from relativity of simultaneity on an interferometer
AJP Garner, MP Müller, OCO Dahlsten
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering …, 2017
The uncertainty principle enables non-classical dynamics in an interferometer
OCO Dahlsten, AJP Garner, V Vedral
Nature Communications 5 (4592), 2014
Interferometric computation beyond quantum theory
AJP Garner
Foundations of Physics 48 (8), 886-909, 2018
On defining the Hamiltonian beyond quantum theory
D Branford, OCO Dahlsten, AJP Garner
Foundations of Physics 48 (8), 982-1006, 2018
Memory-efficient tracking of complex temporal and symbolic dynamics with quantum simulators
TJ Elliott, AJP Garner, M Gu
New Journal of Physics 21 (1), 013021, 2019
Maximum one-shot dissipated work from Rényi divergences
NY Halpern, AJP Garner, OCO Dahlsten, V Vedral
Physical Review E 97 (5), 052135, 2018
Testing Quantum Theory by Generalizing Noncontextuality
MP Müller, AJP Garner
Physical Review X 13 (4), 041001, 2023
Provably superior accuracy in quantum stochastic modeling
C Yang, AJP Garner, F Liu, N Tischler, J Thompson, MH Yung, M Gu, ...
Physical Review A 108 (2), 022411, 2023
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Articles 1–20