Mauro Vallati
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Cited by
The 2014 international planning competition: Progress and trends
M Vallati, L Chrpa, M Grześ, TL McCluskey, M Roberts, S Sanner
Ai Magazine 36 (3), 90-98, 2015
Efficient Macroscopic Urban Traffic Models for Reducing Congestion: a PDDL+ Planning Approach
M Vallati, D Magazzeni, B De Schutter, L Chrpa, TL McCluskey
AAAI, 2016
An automatically configurable portfolio-based planner with macro-actions: PbP
A Gerevini, A Saetti, M Vallati
Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and …, 2009
Summary report of the first international competition on computational models of argumentation
M Thimm, S Villata, F Cerutti, N Oren, H Strass, M Vallati
AI magazine 37 (1), 102-104, 2016
Computing preferred extensions in abstract argumentation: A SAT-based approach
F Cerutti, PE Dunne, M Giacomin, M Vallati
International Workshop on Theorie and Applications of Formal Argumentation …, 2013
pMineR: An Innovative R Library for Performing Process Mining in Medicine
R Gatta, J Lenkowicz, M Vallati, E Rojas, A Damiani, L Sacchi, B De Bari, ...
AIME, 2017
Embedding Automated Planning within Urban Traffic Management Operations
TL McCluskey, M Vallati
ICAPS, 2017
Moddicom: a complete and easily accessible library for prognostic evaluations relying on image features
N Dinapoli, AR Alitto, M Vallati, R Gatta, R Autorino, L Boldrini, A Damiani, ...
2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2015
Improved features for runtime prediction of domain-independent planners
C Fawcett, M Vallati, F Hutter, J Hoffmann, H Hoos, K Leyton-Brown
Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and …, 2014
ArgSemSAT: Solving argumentation problems using SAT
F Cerutti, M Giacomin, M Vallati
Computational Models of Argument, 455-456, 2014
A SCC recursive meta-algorithm for computing preferred labellings in abstract argumentation
F Cerutti, M Giacomin, M Vallati, M Zanella
KR, 2014
Engineering knowledge for automated planning: Towards a notion of quality
TL McCluskey, TS Vaquero, M Vallati
Proceedings of the 9th Knowledge Capture Conference, 1-8, 2017
Towards a modular decision support system for radiomics: A case study on rectal cancer
R Gatta, M Vallati, N Dinapoli, C Masciocchi, J Lenkowicz, D Cusumano, ...
Artificial intelligence in medicine 96, 145-153, 2019
On the manipulation of articulated objects in human–robot cooperation scenarios
A Capitanelli, M Maratea, F Mastrogiovanni, M Vallati
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 109, 139-155, 2018
On the effective configuration of planning domain models
M Vallati, F Hutter, L Chrpa, TL McCluskey
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2015
MUM: A technique for maximising the utility of macro-operators by constrained generation and use
L Chrpa, M Vallati, T McCluskey
Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and …, 2014
Symbolic melodic similarity: State of the art and future challenges
V Velardo, M Vallati, S Jan
Computer Music Journal 40 (2), 70-83, 2016
What you always wanted to know about the deterministic part of the international planning competition (IPC) 2014 (but were too afraid to ask)
M Vallati, L Chrpa, TL Mccluskey
The Knowledge Engineering Review 33, e3, 2018
Clinical guidelines: a crossroad of many research areas. Challenges and opportunities in process mining for healthcare
R Gatta, M Vallati, C Fernández-Llatas, A Martinez-Millana, S Orini, ...
Business Process Management Workshops: BPM 2019 International Workshops …, 2019
Generating and comparing knowledge graphs of medical processes using pMineR
R Gatta, M Vallati, J Lenkowicz, E Rojas, A Damiani, L Sacchi, B De Bari, ...
Proceedings of the 9th Knowledge Capture Conference, 1-4, 2017
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Articles 1–20