Udit Bhatia
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Cited by
Bias-corrected climate projections for South Asia from coupled model intercomparison project-6
V Mishra, U Bhatia, AD Tiwari
Scientific data 7 (1), 338, 2020
Network science based quantification of resilience demonstrated on the indian railways network
U Bhatia, D Kumar, E Kodra, AR Ganguly
PloS one 10 (11), e0141890, 2015
Resilience of the US national airspace system airport network
KL Clark, U Bhatia, EA Kodra, AR Ganguly
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 19 (12), 3785-3794, 2018
Enhancing predictive skills in physically-consistent way: Physics Informed Machine Learning for hydrological processes
P Bhasme, J Vagadiya, U Bhatia
Journal of Hydrology 615, 128618, 2022
Balancing open science and data privacy in the water sciences
SC Zipper, K Stack Whitney, JM Deines, KM Befus, U Bhatia, SJ Albers, ...
Water Resources Research 55 (7), 5202-5211, 2019
Critical infrastructures resilience: Policy and engineering principles
AR Ganguly, U Bhatia, SE Flynn
Routledge, 2018
Augmented convolutional LSTMs for generation of high-resolution climate change projections
N Harilal, M Singh, U Bhatia
IEEE Access 9, 25208-25218, 2021
Flood evacuation during pandemic: a multi-objective framework to handle compound hazard
SS Tripathy, U Bhatia, M Mohanty, S Karmakar, S Ghosh
Environmental Research Letters 16 (3), 034034, 2021
Developing a sustainability science approach for water systems
C Brelsford, M Dumas, E Schlager, BJ Dermody, M Aiuvalasit, ...
Ecology and Society 25 (2), 1-6, 2020
A seven-fold rise in the probability of exceeding the observed hottest summer in India in a 2 C warmer world
JS Nanditha, K van der Wiel, U Bhatia, D Stone, F Selton, V Mishra
Environmental Research Letters 15 (4), 044028, 2020
Extreme precipitation induced concurrent events trigger prolonged disruptions in regional road networks
R Dave, SS Subramanian, U Bhatia
Environmental Research Letters 16 (10), 104050, 2021
Bias corrected climate projections from CMIP6 models for Indian sub-continental river basins
V Mishra, U Bhatia, AD Tiwari
Zenodo https://doi. org/10.5281/zenodo 3874046, 2020
Assessing the interplay between travel patterns and SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in realistic urban setting
R Patil, R Dave, H Patel, VM Shah, D Chakrabarti, U Bhatia
Applied network science 6, 1-19, 2021
Precipitation extremes and depth-duration-frequency under internal climate variability
U Bhatia, AR Ganguly
Scientific reports 9 (1), 9112, 2019
Physics-guided probabilistic modeling of extreme precipitation under climate change
E Kodra, U Bhatia, S Chatterjee, S Chen, AR Ganguly
Scientific reports 10 (1), 10299, 2020
Resilience Strategies for Interdependent Multiscale Lifeline Infrastructure Networks
L Sela, U Bhatia, J Zhuang, A Ganguly
Computing in Civil Engineering 2017, 265-272, 2017
Improving the interpretability and predictive power of hydrological models: Applications for daily streamflow in managed and unmanaged catchments
P Bhasme, U Bhatia
Journal of Hydrology 628, 130421, 2024
Hybrid method of recovery: combining topology and optimization for transportation systems
U Bhatia, L Sela, AR Ganguly
Journal of Infrastructure Systems 26 (3), 04020024, 2020
Vartalaap: what drives# airquality discussions: politics, pollution or pseudo-science?
R Adhikary, ZB Patel, T Srivastava, N Batra, M Singh, U Bhatia, ...
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 5 (CSCW1), 1-29, 2021
Bias-corrected climate projections for South Asia from Coupled Model Intercomparison Project-6. Sci Data 7 (1): 1–13
V Mishra, U Bhatia, AD Tiwari
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Articles 1–20