Yang Lu
Cited by
Cited by
Filtration shell mediated power density independent orthogonal excitations–emissions upconversion luminescence
X Li, Z Guo, T Zhao, Y Lu, L Zhou, D Zhao, F Zhang
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 55 (7), 2464-2469, 2016
Controlling defects in continuous 2D GaS films for high‐performance wavelength‐tunable UV‐discriminating photodetectors
Y Lu, J Chen, T Chen, Y Shu, RJ Chang, Y Sheng, V Shautsova, ...
Advanced Materials 32 (7), 1906958, 2020
High-Performance WS2 Monolayer Light-Emitting Tunneling Devices Using 2D Materials Grown by Chemical Vapor Deposition
Y Sheng, T Chen, Y Lu, RJ Chang, S Sinha, JH Warner
ACS nano 13 (4), 4530-4537, 2019
Degradation‐Restructuring Induced Anisotropic Epitaxial Growth for Fabrication of Asymmetric Diblock and Triblock Mesoporous Nanocomposites
X Li, T Zhao, Y Lu, P Wang, AM El‐Toni, F Zhang, D Zhao
Advanced Materials 29 (30), 1701652, 2017
Direct Laser Patterning and Phase Transformation of 2D PdSe2 Films for On-Demand Device Fabrication
V Shautsova, S Sinha, L Hou, Q Zhang, M Tweedie, Y Lu, Y Sheng, ...
ACS nano 13 (12), 14162-14171, 2019
Synthesis and applications of wide bandgap 2D layered semiconductors reaching the green and blue wavelengths
Y Lu, JH Warner
ACS Applied Electronic Materials 2 (7), 1777-1814, 2020
Ultrathin All-2D lateral graphene/GaS/graphene UV photodetectors by direct CVD growth
T Chen, Y Lu, Y Sheng, Y Shu, X Li, RJ Chang, H Bhaskaran, JH Warner
ACS applied materials & interfaces 11 (51), 48172-48178, 2019
Self-Limiting Growth of High-Quality 2D Monolayer MoS2 by Direct Sulfurization Using Precursor-Soluble Substrates for Advanced Field-Effect Transistors and …
Y Lu, T Chen, GH Ryu, H Huang, Y Sheng, RJ Chang, JH Warner
ACS Applied Nano Materials 2 (1), 369-378, 2018
Postgrowth Substitutional Tin Doping of 2D WS2 Crystals Using Chemical Vapor Deposition
RJ Chang, Y Sheng, GH Ryu, N Mkhize, T Chen, Y Lu, J Chen, JK Lee, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 11 (27), 24279-24288, 2019
GaS:WS2 Heterojunctions for Ultrathin Two-Dimensional Photodetectors with Large Linear Dynamic Range across Broad Wavelengths
Y Lu, T Chen, N Mkhize, RJ Chang, Y Sheng, P Holdway, H Bhaskaran, ...
ACS nano 15 (12), 19570-19580, 2021
Direct Imaging of Individual Molecular Binding to Clean Nanopore Edges in 2D Monolayer MoS2
MA Gerkman, JK Lee, X Li, Q Zhang, M Windley, MV Fonseca, Y Lu, ...
ACS nano 14 (1), 153-165, 2019
In situ high temperature atomic level dynamics of large inversion domain formations in monolayer MoS 2
J Chen, S Zhou, Y Wen, GH Ryu, C Allen, Y Lu, AI Kirkland, JH Warner
Nanoscale 11 (4), 1901-1913, 2019
Morphology control of two-dimensional tin disulfide on transition metal dichalcogenides using chemical vapor deposition for nanoelectronic applications
RJ Chang, Y Sheng, T Chen, N Mkhize, Y Lu, H Bhaskaran, JH Warner
ACS Applied Nano Materials 2 (7), 4222-4231, 2019
Wafer-scalable single-layer amorphous molybdenum trioxide
MH Alam, S Chowdhury, A Roy, X Wu, R Ge, MA Rodder, J Chen, Y Lu, ...
ACS nano 16 (3), 3756-3767, 2022
Spatially Controlled Fabrication and Mechanisms of Atomically Thin Nanowell Patterns in Bilayer WS2 Using in Situ High Temperature Electron Microscopy
J Chen, GH Ryu, Q Zhang, Y Wen, KL Tai, Y Lu, JH Warner
ACS nano 13 (12), 14486-14499, 2019
Mapping 1D Confined Electromagnetic Edge States in 2D Monolayer Semiconducting MoS2 Using 4D-STEM
Y Wen, S Fang, M Coupin, Y Lu, C Ophus, E Kaxiras, JH Warner
ACS nano 16 (4), 6657-6665, 2022
Phase Variations and Layer Epitaxy of 2D PdSe2 Grown on 2D Monolayers by Direct Selenization of Molecular Pd Precursors
KL Tai, J Chen, Y Wen, H Park, Q Zhang, Y Lu, RJ Chang, P Tang, ...
ACS nano 14 (9), 11677-11690, 2020
Precursor Design for High Density Single Pt Atom Sites on MoS2: Enhanced Stability at Elevated Temperatures and Reduced 3D Clustering
X Li, JK Lee, Y Lu, MA Gerkman, ES Kengmana, MV Fonseca, JH Warner, ...
Chemistry of Materials 32 (6), 2541-2551, 2020
Atomic-Scale Insights into the Lateral and Vertical Epitaxial Growth in Two-Dimensional Pd2Se3–MoS2 Heterostructures
H Park, GS Jung, KM Ibrahim, Y Lu, KL Tai, M Coupin, JH Warner
ACS nano 16 (7), 10260-10272, 2022
Composition dictates octahedral tilt and photostability in halide perovskites
AN Iqbal, KWP Orr, S Nagane, J Ferrer Orri, TAS Doherty, YK Jung, ...
Advanced Materials 36 (28), 2307508, 2024
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