Marianne Bauer
Marianne Bauer
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Universal equation of state and pseudogap in the two-dimensional Fermi gas
M Bauer, MM Parish, T Enss
Physical review letters 112 (13), 135302, 2014
Trading bits in the readout from a genetic network
M Bauer, MD Petkova, T Gregor, EF Wieschaus, W Bialek
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (46), e2109011118, 2021
Dipolar gases in coupled one-dimensional lattices
M Bauer, MM Parish
Physical Review Letters 108 (25), 255302, 2012
Multiple scales in metapopulations of public goods producers
M Bauer, E Frey
Physical Review E 97 (4), 042307, 2018
Interpolation schemes for peptide rearrangements
MS Bauer, B Strodel, SN Fejer, EF Koslover, DJ Wales
The Journal of chemical physics 132 (5), 2010
Exploiting ecology in drug pulse sequences in favour of population reduction
M Bauer, IR Graf, V Ngampruetikorn, GJ Stephens, E Frey
PLOS Computational Biology 13 (9), e1005747, 2017
Optical recombination of biexcitons in semiconductors
M Bauer, J Keeling, MM Parish, P López Ríos, PB Littlewood
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (3), 035302, 2013
Information bottleneck in molecular sensing
M Bauer, W Bialek
PRX Life 1 (2), 023005, 2023
Delayed adaptation in stochastic metapopulation models (a)
M Bauer, E Frey
Europhysics Letters 122 (6), 68002, 2018
Delays in fitness adjustment can lead to coexistence of hierarchically interacting species
M Bauer, E Frey
Physical review letters 121 (26), 268101, 2018
How does an organism extract relevant information from transcription factor concentrations?
M Bauer
Biochemical Society Transactions 50 (5), 1365-1376, 2022
Unravelling differential Hes1 dynamics during axis elongation of mouse embryos through single-cell tracking
Y El Azhar, P Schulthess, MJ van Oostrom, SDC Weterings, WHM Meijer, ...
Development 151 (18), 2024
On the role of multiple scales in metapopulations of public good producers
M Bauer, E Frey
arXiv preprint arXiv:1802.02402, 2018
Trading information among multiple variables
M Bauer, W Bialek
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2024
Optimal compression and transcriptional control
M Bauer, W Bialek
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2023, K01. 006, 2023
Alien Proteomics Reveals Physical Rules for Diffusion through the Nuclear Pore
M Gordiychuk, N Pappireddi, T Nguyen, O Jain, A Mayer, M Bauer, ...
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2023, Q11. 008, 2023
How accurately must cells measure the concentrations of signaling molecules?
M Bauer, W Bialek
arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.12471, 2022
Sensing the fly embryo's transcription factors
M Bauer, M Petkova, T Gregor, E Wieschaus, W Bialek
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2022, K05. 010, 2022
Trading bits in the readout of positional information
M Bauer, W Bialek, T Gregor, M Petkova, E Wieschaus
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 65, 2020
Information flow and the accuracy of concentration measurements in a genetic network
M Bauer, W Bialek, T Gregor, M Petkova, E Wieschaus
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2019, H66. 015, 2019
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Articles 1–20