Fernando Paganini
Fernando Paganini
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A course in robust control theory: a convex approach
GE Dullerud, FG Paganini
Springer Verlag, 2000
Internet congestion control
SH Low, F Paganini, JC Doyle
Control Systems Magazine, IEEE 22 (1), 28-43, 2002
Distributed control of spatially invariant systems
B Bamieh, F Paganini, MA Dahleh
IEEE Transactions on automatic control 47 (7), 1091-1107, 2002
Advances in linear matrix inequality methods in control
L El Ghaoui, SI Niculescu
Society for Industrial Mathematics, 2000
Dynamics of TCP/RED and a scalable control
SH Low, F Paganini, J Wang, S Adlakha, JC Doyle
INFOCOM 2002. Twenty-First Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and …, 2002
Scalable laws for stable network congestion control
F Paganini, J Doyle, S Low
Decision and Control, 2001. Proceedings of the 40th IEEE Conference on 1 …, 2001
Stability of primal-dual gradient dynamics and applications to network optimization
D Feijer, F Paganini
Automatica 46 (12), 1974-1981, 2010
FAST TCP: From theory to experiments
C Jin, D Wei, SH Low, J Bunn, HD Choe, JC Doylle, H Newman, S Ravot, ...
IEEE network 19 (1), 4-11, 2005
Congestion control for high performance, stability, and fairness in general networks
F Paganini, Z Wang, JC Doyle, SH Low
IEEE/ACM Transactions On Networking 13 (1), 43-56, 2005
Linear stability of TCP/RED and a scalable control
SH Low, F Paganini, J Wang, JC Doyle
Computer Networks 43 (5), 633-647, 2003
Robust design: A repertoire of biological, ecological, and engineering case studies
E Jen
Oxford University Press, USA, 2005
A global stability result in network flow control
F Paganini
Systems & control letters 46 (3), 165-172, 2002
A new TCP/AQM for stable operation in fast networks
F Paganini, Z Wang, SH Low, JC Doyle
INFOCOM 2003. Twenty-Second Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and …, 2003
Global stability with time-delay in network congestion control
Z Wang, F Paganini
Decision and Control, 2002, Proceedings of the 41st IEEE Conference on 4 …, 2002
Game theoretic approach to power control in cellular CDMA
S Gunturi, F Paganini
Vehicular Technology Conference, 2003. VTC 2003-Fall. 2003 IEEE 58th 4, 2362 …, 2003
A set-based approach for white noise modeling
F Paganini
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 41 (10), 1453-1465, 1996
Convex synthesis of localized controllers for spatially invariant systems
GA de Castro, F Paganini
Automatica 38 (3), 445-456, 2002
Convex synthesis of controllers for consensus
GA de Castro, F Paganini
American Control Conference, 2004. Proceedings of the 2004 6, 4933-4938 vol. 6, 2004
Structured coprime factor model reduction based on LMIs
L Li, F Paganini
Automatica 41 (1), 145-151, 2005
Model reduction for analysis of cascading failures in power systems
PA Parrilo, S Lall, F Paganini, GC Verghese, BC Lesieutre, JE Marsden
American Control Conference, 1999. Proceedings of the 1999 6, 4208-4212 vol. 6, 1999
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Articles 1–20