Gaspare Galati
Gaspare Galati
Full Professor of Neuropsychology and Cognitive Neuroimaging
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Transcranial magnetic stimulation highlights the sensorimotor side of empathy for pain
A Avenanti, D Bueti, G Galati, SM Aglioti
Nature neuroscience 8 (7), 955-960, 2005
The neural basis of egocentric and allocentric coding of space in humans: a functional magnetic resonance study
G Galati, E Lobel, G Vallar, A Berthoz, L Pizzamiglio, D Le Bihan
Experimental Brain Research 133 (2), 156-164, 2000
Reference frames for spatial cognition: different brain areas are involved in viewer-, object-, and landmark-centered judgments about object location
G Committeri, G Galati, AL Paradis, L Pizzamiglio, A Berthoz, D Lebihan
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 16 (9), 1517-1535, 2004
Neural bases of personal and extrapersonal neglect in humans
G Committeri, S Pitzalis, G Galati, F Patria, G Pelle, U Sabatini, ...
Brain 130 (2), 431-441, 2007
A fronto-parietal system for computing the egocentric spatial frame of reference in humans
G Vallar, E Lobel, G Galati, A Berthoz, L Pizzamiglio, D Le Bihan
Experimental brain research 124, 281-286, 1999
Wide-field retinotopy defines human cortical visual area V6
S Pitzalis, C Galletti, RS Huang, F Patria, G Committeri, G Galati, P Fattori, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 26 (30), 7962-7973, 2006
Sensory-motor mechanisms in human parietal cortex underlie arbitrary visual decisions
A Tosoni, G Galati, GL Romani, M Corbetta
Nature neuroscience 11 (12), 1446-1453, 2008
Human V6: the medial motion area
S Pitzalis, MI Sereno, G Committeri, P Fattori, G Galati, F Patria, C Galletti
Cerebral Cortex 20 (2), 411-424, 2010
Multiple reference frames used by the human brain for spatial perception and memory
G Galati, G Pelle, A Berthoz, G Committeri
Experimental brain research 206, 109-120, 2010
Neural systems underlying observation of humanly impossible movements: an fMRI study
M Costantini, G Galati, A Ferretti, M Caulo, A Tartaro, GL Romani, ...
Cerebral Cortex 15 (11), 1761-1767, 2005
A selective representation of the meaning of actions in the auditory mirror system
G Galati, G Committeri, G Spitoni, T Aprile, F Di Russo, S Pitzalis, ...
Neuroimage 40 (3), 1274-1286, 2008
Neural control of fast-regular saccades and antisaccades: an investigation using positron emission tomography
F Doricchi, D Perani, C Incoccia, F Grassi, SF Cappa, V Bettinardi, ...
Experimental brain research 116, 50-62, 1997
The human homologue of macaque area V6A
S Pitzalis, MI Sereno, G Committeri, P Fattori, G Galati, A Tosoni, C Galletti
Neuroimage 82, 517-530, 2013
Spatial coding of visual and somatic sensory information in body‐centred coordinates
G Galati, G Committeri, JN Sanes, L Pizzamiglio
European Journal of Neuroscience 14 (4), 737-746, 2001
The appreciation of wine by sommeliers: a functional magnetic resonance study of sensory integration
A Castriota-Scanderbeg, GE Hagberg, A Cerasa, G Committeri, G Galati, ...
Neuroimage 25 (2), 570-578, 2005
Spatiotemporal brain mapping during preparation, perception, and action
F Di Russo, G Lucci, V Sulpizio, M Berchicci, D Spinelli, S Pitzalis, ...
Neuroimage 126, 1-14, 2016
Selective role of lingual/parahippocampal gyrus and retrosplenial complex in spatial memory across viewpoint changes relative to the environmental reference frame
V Sulpizio, G Committeri, S Lambrey, A Berthoz, G Galati
Behavioural brain research 242, 62-75, 2013
Viewing one's own face being touched modulates tactile perception: an fMRI study
F Cardini, M Costantini, G Galati, GL Romani, E Làdavas, A Serino
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 23 (3), 503-513, 2011
Selectivity to translational egomotion in human brain motion areas
S Pitzalis, S Sdoia, A Bultrini, G Committeri, F Di Russo, P Fattori, ...
PloS one 8 (4), e60241, 2013
Segregation of neural circuits involved in spatial learning in reaching and navigational space
F Nemmi, M Boccia, L Piccardi, G Galati, C Guariglia
Neuropsychologia 51 (8), 1561-1570, 2013
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Articles 1–20