Swarnambuj Suman
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Cited by
Stratified statistical monitoring strategy for a multi-product manufacturing facility with early detection approach
S Suman, A Das
Computers & Industrial Engineering 130, 551-564, 2019
A modified two-stage randomized response model for estimating the proportion of stigmatized attribute
GN Singh, S Suman
Journal of Applied Statistics 46 (6), 958-978, 2019
Development of multivariate process monitoring strategy for a typical process industry
A Das, S Suman, AK Sinha
International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management 22 (1), 1-21, 2017
A statistical monitoring strategy for a pulp and paper industry
P Rana, A Das, S Suman, J Maiti
International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 28 (4), 530-545, 2018
Home Automation System Using Bluetooth Technology
KI Chauhan, I Chauhan, S Yadav, S Suman
International journal of modern trends in engineering and research 2 (11 …, 2015
Monitoring of an ingot making facility via principal component analysis and its variants
S Suman, A Das
International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management 26 (1), 74-95, 2019
Monitoring strategy for a multistage manufacturing facility using K-means clustering technique
S Suman, A Das
International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 36 (3), 301-315, 2020
A two-stage unrelated randomized response model for estimating a rare sensitive attribute in probability proportional to size sampling using Poisson distribution
GN Singh, C Singh, S Suman, A Kumar
Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods 47 (15), 3744-3766, 2018
Framework-based on SQC and DMAIC to monitor die casting process parameters
RG Sharma, A Das, S Suman
International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 23 (2), 204-222, 2016
Unified process monitoring strategy for a facility engaged in the production of multiple portfolio of products
S Suman, A Das
International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management 29 (2), 233-249, 2020
Fuzzy Clustering-Based Process-Monitoring Strategy for a Multistage Manufacturing Facility
S Suman, A Das
Soft Computing: Theories and Applications: Proceedings of SoCTA 2018, 459-469, 2020
A Stratified Multivariate Statistical Approach for Monitoring a Steel Manufacturing Facility
S Suman, A Das, A Kumar, A Kumar
Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series C 104 (4), 681-693, 2023
A Nonlinear Monitoring Strategy for Blast Furnace Characteristics
A Kumar, A Das, S Suman
EasyChair, 2021
Design and Fabrication of Automobile Roof for Cooling and Heating Purpose
AK Tiwary, A Kumar, S Mondal, S Suman
Solid State Technology 64 (2), 1718-1724, 2021
A Hybrid Process Monitoring Strategy for Steel Making Shop
A Kumar, A Das, S Suman
Advances in Mechanical Engineering: Select Proceedings of ICAME 2020, 299-305, 2020
A Multi Objective DSS for Optimization of Ferro-Alloy Cost Using LIPSOL
S Suman, RK Singh, SK Jha, VK Jha
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Articles 1–16